
What is amenorrhea in teens?

Amenorrhea in Teens - Stanford Medicine Children's Health

Amenorrhea is when a girl's menstrual bleeding (period) doesn't occur. There are 2 types. What causes amenorrhea in a teen?

What is amenorrhea in teens? - Nicklaus Children's Hospital

When menstrual periods in an individual have not occurred by age 15, this is known as primary amenorrhea. Frequently, this lack of menstrual ...

Amenorrhea | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Amenorrhea is a menstrual condition characterized by absent menstrual periods for more than three monthly menstrual cycles. In an adolescent, amenorrhea can ...

Amenorrhea | Boston Children's Hospital

Amenorrhea is a symptom — missing periods. Depending on what's causing your daughter's amenorrhea, she may have other symptoms, too, including excess hair ...

Amenorrhea in Teens - Health Encyclopedia

Amenorrhea is when a girl's menstrual bleeding (period) doesn't occur. There are 2 types. What causes amenorrhea in a teen?

Adolescent amenorrhea - Children's Health

Adolescent amenorrhea occurs when a female doesn't get her period or misses multiple periods. Learn more from the experts at Children's Health.

Amenorrhea (Absent Periods) - Children's Hospital Colorado

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods. Primary amenorrhea refers to when a person has not started their period within three years of breast ...

Secondary Amenorrhea in Teens: Care Instructions - MyHealth Alberta

Secondary amenorrhea means you have had periods, and then they stop, especially for more than 3 months.

Amenorrhea: Absence of Periods - ACOG

Teens should be evaluated for primary amenorrhea if they have not had their period by age 15. Teens also should be evaluated if there is no sign of breast ...

Amenorrhea in adolescents: a narrative review - Pediatric Medicine

This narrative review focuses on primary and secondary amenorrhea and the best practical approach in evaluating and managing affected adolescent females.

Amenorrhea: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Causes Amenorrhea? There are many causes of amenorrhea in teens and young women. The more common causes include: Pregnancy; Polycystic ovarian syndrome ...

Amenorrhea in Teens | OSF HealthCare - Health Library

What is amenorrhea in teens? Amenorrhea is when a girl's menstrual bleeding (period) doesn't occur. There are 2 types: Primary amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea in Teens - Health Library

Amenorrhea is when a girl's menstrual bleeding (period) doesn't occur. There are 2 types. What causes amenorrhea in a teen? Amenorrhea can have many causes.

An Unusual Cause of Secondary Amenorrhea in an Adolescent

We report an unusual cause of secondary amenorrhea in a 15-year-old girl. Our patient presented with secondary amenorrhea after a 4-year history of regular ...

Etiology and management of amenorrhea in adolescent and young ...

Most cases of amenorrhea are caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis, which is the major regulator of the female reproductive ...

The pathophysiology of amenorrhea in the adolescent - PubMed

Menstrual irregularity is a common occurrence during adolescence, especially within the first 2-3 years after menarche. Prolonged amenorrhea, however ...

Amenorrhea > Fact Sheets > Yale Medicine

Primary amenorrhea, which can be caused by congenital differences in the development of reproductive organs, is the failure to have your first period by age 16 ...

Secondary Amenorrhea in Teens: Care Instructions

Amenorrhea means you do not have menstrual periods. There are two types. Primary amenorrhea means you never start your periods. Secondary amenorrhea means ...

Amenorrhea: One of the Most Common Menstrual Disorders in the ...

Primary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation in teen girls who haven't got their period even having reached the age, or in other cases, ...

Menstruation Disorders in Adolescents - Medscape Reference

Secondary amenorrhea is defined as the lack of menses for 6 months, though it is uncommon even in adolescents to lack menses for more than 3 ...