
What is economic resilience?

Economic Resilience

Economic resilience aims to better prepare regions to anticipate, withstand, and bounce back from any type of shock, disruption, or stress it may experience.

Economic Resilience - Sustainable Prosperity

Economic resilience refers to an economy's ability to swiftly resume its core functions when impacted by a crisis, thereby minimising the duration during which ...

What is Economic Resilience?

Economic resilience as a community's ability to foresee, adapt to, and leverage changing conditions to their advantage.

What is economic resilience? - Cardiff University Sites

It can be broadly defined as the ability of an economy as a whole to cope, recover from and reconstruct after a shock.

Economic Resilience - kipda

Establishing economic resiliency in a local or regional economy requires communities to identify the “shocks” and “stresses” that are or could potentially be ...

Economic resilience: definition and measurement (English)

The welfare impact of a disaster does not only depend on the physical characteristics of the event or its direct impacts in terms of lost lives and assets.

Economic Resilience - ResilienceLinks

Economic resilience refers to the ability of people to mitigate, adapt to and recover from shocks that affect their livelihoods, and transformative capacities ...

Publication: Economic Resilience : Definition and Measurement

Macroeconomic resilience has two components: instantaneous resilience, which is the ability to limit the magnitude of immediate production losses for a given ...

Economic Resilience: Concepts and Measurement

This research was supported by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the National Center for Risk and Economic.

5 Pillars of Economic Resiliency: A Guide for Building Resilient ...

Economic resilience refers to “the ability to withstand, prevent or quickly recover from major disruptions – or shocks – to its underlying economic base ...

Economic resilience to natural and man-made disasters

Abstract. Economic resilience is a major way to reduce losses from disasters. Its effectiveness would be further enhanced if it could be precisely defined and ...

Building Resilience in Economic Development: A Systems Approach ...

When planning for a more resilient economy, understanding the common challenges, and the impact of disruptions across the resilience landscape, ...

Working Paper : Economic Vulnerability and Resilience - unu-wider

In this paper, economic vulnerability is defined as the exposure of an economy to exogenous shocks, arising out of economic openness, while economic ...

Economic resilience: Why some countries recover more robustly ...

Economic resilience is a key country characteristic in a shock-prone world. The depth of a shock-induced recession does not appear to undermine resilience.

Resilience To Shocks | IMF Annual Report 2023

Resilience is essential for economic stability and prosperity, but it is at risk from global shocks and pressures, including global financial stresses, ...

Economic Resiliency - Camoin Associates

At Camoin Associates we approach resiliency from a holistic perspective, combining data, engagement, strategic thinking, and adaptive foresight.

Economic Resilience - OECD

Ensuring economic resilience has emerged as a crucial factor in fostering peace and stability within the region. This involves enhancing the economy's ability ...

Regional Economic Resilience

Regional Economic Resilience examines and explores the capacity of the regions to absorb and recover from economic shocks. This economic resilience project, ...

Economic Shocks and Regional Economic Resilience

Research that describes patterns of regional economic resilience or explains why regions are or are not economically resilient or shock-resistant is rather ...

Economic resilience: definition and measurement - IDEAS/RePEc

Macroeconomic resilience has two components: instantaneous resilience, which is the ability to limit the magnitude of immediate production losses for a given ...