
What is generally considered to be a good/respectable impact factor ...

Q. What is considered a good impact factor?

The top 5% of journals have impact factors approximately equal to or greater than 6 (610 journals or 4.9% of the journals tracked by JCR). Approximately two- ...

What is generally considered to be a good/respectable impact factor ...

It really really depends on your field. But in biochemistry- (very roughly mind you) good is 2-4, great is 5-8, awesome is 9-14, and excellent ...

What is a good impact factor? - Paperpile

A history journal cannot be compared to a science journal. Therefore, there is no set impact factor number considered to be ideal since each field has a ...

What is a Good Impact Factor for a Journal? - AJE

A good journal impact factor (IF) is often the main consideration for researchers when they're looking for a place to publish their work. Many ...

What should your target/ideal academic journal impact factor be as a ...

A journal's impact factor is often a reasonably good proxy for this. Some countries and some grant agencies maintain lists of journals that “ ...

What Is a Good Impact factor of a Journal? - - Manuscriptedit

However, the impact factor is best read in terms of subject matter in the form of the 27 research disciplines identified in the JournalCitation ...

What a Journal Impact Factor Is and Isn't - McGill University

If the journal has a high impact factor, it must mean the research you will find within it is solid, goes the sentiment; if the number is low, ...

Impact factor - Wikipedia

The impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a scientometric index calculated by Clarivate that reflects the yearly mean ...

What'sa Good Impact Factor (Ranking in 27 Categories) - SCI Journal

In most fields, the impact factor of 10 or greater is considered an excellent score while 3 is flagged as good and the average score is less than 1.

Why should we always aim for the highest Impact Factor (IF) journal ...

The IF of journals can act as a signal as to what is currently hot. In my areas, journals for old, established, areas have low IF despite having ...

Top 10 High Impact Factor Journals | Researcher.Life

Despite these challenges, the benefits of publishing in high-impact-factor journals cannot be overstated. What is a good Impact Factor?

High Impact Journals

A journal's impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which an average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. The following list ...

Top 20 Journals with High Impact Factor in 2024 - Enago

A good impact factor can vary by field, but in many scientific disciplines, an IF above 5 or 10 is often considered high. 2. Average Impact ...

The Clarivate Impact Factor

The impact factor can be used to provide a gross approximation of the prestige of journals in which individuals have been published. This is best done in ...

What Is the Role of Journal Impact Factor and its Peers? - AKJournals

Consequently, high impact factor journals are usually considered more prestigious than lower-impact journals. It's important to understand that the impact ...

Impact factors: What they are, where to find them, how to use them

NOTE: · An impact factor of 10 is an excellent impact factor and indicates that the journal is of major importance in a field or discipline. · An ...

Research Impact Metrics: Citation Analysis: Other Factors to ...

The highest quality scholarly journals are always peer reviewed or refereed. Manuscripts submitted to this type of journal must be evaluated by ...

Understanding Impact Factors: Evaluating Journal Influence

Numerical Representation: Impact factors are expressed as a single number typically rounded to one decimal place. For example, an impact factor ...

A Guide To The Highest Impact Factor Journals - ScholarsEdge

Humanities journals typically have even lower impact factors, with a score of 1 or 2 considered respectable. It's important to understand that a ...

Q. What are impact factors and how do I find one?

What is considered a good impact factor? MD Anderson Library Databases - including JCR (Journal Citation Reports). Media. Research Medical ...

Les Misérables

Novel by Victor Hugo

Les Misérables is a French epic historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century.