
What is special about God's creation?

The Beauty of God's Creation | GCU Blog

In Genesis, God called His creation good and gave Adam the task of working and caring for the Earth. The Earth is different now from how it was before suffering ...

God's Special Creation -

God is so committed to loving and saving His people that even after He destroyed an entire wicked generation in the great flood, He renewed His blessing to ...

What is God's Creation? - C.S. Lewis Institute

The Bible tells us that God created the world and made man in His own image, for us to have dominion over every living thing on the earth.

The Goodness of God's Creation - Commonplace Holiness Blog

God is good. Therefore, God's creation is essentially good. In the midst of the light and the darkness, don't miss the light. Mercy and love and ...

What is special about God's creation? - Quora

God created your reincarnation process, so you could experience to be human. God showed your life, so you chose freely your human life and ...

The Marvelous Goodness of God's Creation - Denver Catholic

God didn't simply create and plop us into creation. He created it all, made us, set us here, and then tells us how and why he did so. He wants ...

What Can We Learn about God from Creation? | Answers in Genesis

Creation tells us that God is living, personal, all-powerful, infinite, brilliantly intelligent, wise, righteous, good, gracious, moral, ...

Why is Creation Important? - God - Living Evidence

Creation reveals what God is like and how He acts. Creation reveals God's absolute authority over all things and ownership of all things. Creation gives Jesus ( ...

Why Did God Call Creation “Good?” [99 in - The Gospel Project

Creation is still good in the hands of God, and it still serves its purpose of proclaiming His glory in the world.

Creation Declares the Glory of God

To me, creation in all its extravagant glory is a stunning display of the limitless capacity, creativity, mercy, and blessings of our great and glorious Creator ...

The Splendor of God's Creation - Answers in Genesis

Two bright stars (comparable to the sun in size and color) revolve around each other every 80 years. A third faint red dwarf star called “Proxima” lies farther ...

4 Things Creation Teaches Us About God - The Gospel Coalition

Genesis reveals an all-powerful God without beginning and end, who is other than his creation, who created something out of nothing.

Seven Reasons Why We Should Care about Creation

God's creative actions in Genesis 1 serve as a model for us. After looking at how we care for creation, we should be able to step back and say, “This is good.

Why did God create us? Why are we here? |

God created us for His pleasure and so that we, as His creation, would have the pleasure of knowing Him.

God's Intent for Creation

We were created for abundance and goodness. Deep down we know this to be true. In Genesis 1:28, God describes our purpose and calling as ...

Why Did God Create the World? | Desiring God

God created and sustains everything in this universe to display his glorious grace in Jesus.

Why Did God Create the World? - Cru

Creation is God's great work of art and an indication of His love, meant to reveal Himself so that the world would respond to Him with a celebration (Psalm ...

Why the Creation Story is So Important - Impactus

First, God worked through Moses to deliver them. Their powerful, miracle-filled deliverance was their first introduction to Yahweh, then came ...

The Most Important Thing God Created | by Oloyede Olayinka, MSc.

When God spoke light into existence in Genesis, He saw it was good and separated it from the darkness. God in His sovereignty put in place a ...

God created the crown jewel of creation when He made human beings

Notice that when the bible talks about humans, who we are, and what God created, way back in the garden of Eden. The bible talks about us as being only a little ...