
When I see people saying speeding isn't inherently dangerous

When I see people saying speeding isn't inherently dangerous, and ...

Swerving lane to lane, tailgating, unsafe lane changes are also with the speed. So it's just a part of the story. Just speed alone isn't ...

Why is speeding allowed even though it is considered dangerous?

Speeding, except for relatively close to posted speeds is considered dangerous because speeders may not consider how their excessive speed ...

Speeding is not inherently dangerous - Page 2 - Great Debates

**Tiki God said: If you think speeding isn't inherently dangerous tell that to the family of deceased State Trooper Winzenread. There was a ...

The American Addiction to Speeding

After 80, drivers again become more dangerous to people around them. “Since we've put the onus on the speed limit and the cars, we've ...

Speeding and Aggressive Driving Prevention - NHTSA

Dangers of Speeding ... For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities. In 2022, speeding was a ...

Motorcycles aren't as dangerous as you might think | Moto Adventurer

... speed combined with motorcycles but most people realize ... Motorcycles aren't inherently dangerous, but they are extremely unforgiving.

What do people think should be the punishment for going 200 mph+ ...

It's not rocket science, some people are clearly posing a very real and serious risk to others with their speeding, while others aren't. If you ...

Safety measure or cash cow? Highway speeding -

Travel is inherently dangerous and always has beens. We can make it safer ... danger than if you were to drive at the speed of other traffic. If you ...

Lamo Leaf driver doing 50 mph in 2nd lane in heavy traffic | Page 3

There is absolutely nothing wrong, or inherently dangerous, about traveling the legal truck speed limit in any lane where trucks can legally ...

Speed Limit Review - Patrick Johnstone

If someone is going 50km/h on the freeway, it is not safer. Driving significantly different from the speed of traffic is dangerous. When limits ...

Dangerous Driving Behaviors We Don't Even Realize We're Doing

To make it even more dangerous, we've adopted risky driving behaviors from our complacency. Here are some of those bad habits: Inattention. How many times have ...

Speeding in a thirty limit | Page 23 - Golf Monthly Forum

Sitting there in court, answering your charge of dangerous driving, the line of "the car in front had been plodding along under the speed limit ...

Inconsiderate Drivers (share your stories, etc.) - Page 44

It IS dangerous to speed in the other conditions and people shouldn't. ... Driving is inherently dangerous. Piloting a motor vehicle at ...

Speed Limits: Why They Exist and Why They Matter

Whether it's causing an accident or exacerbating the severity of one, speeding remains a serious safety concern on our roads. The National Safety Council ...

Why driving is more dangerous than ever and how to prioritize driver ...

A car accident is inherently dangerous, but when you add larger, heavier vehicles, the potential for danger increases tremendously. Over the ...

165 mph - Page 2 - Speed, Plod & the Law - PistonHeads UK

When I see police officers describing speed as inherently dangerous, I start to wonder how they've been indoctrinated and by who. Of course, ...

Who else has a problem driving too fast? | Page 2 - FerrariChat

"t seems like people look at speeding as something you do once, furtively, ... Fast cars *are* inherently dangerous, and most of us know that, and ...

The car "is so inherently dangerous to the common safety of motorists

Is the Dodge Demon — a muscle car so powerful it can pop wheelies — a danger to other drivers? The car "is so inherently dangerous to the ...

Task force tries to make peace over cameras; AAA doesn't – Greater ...

... inherently dangerous, as red-light running is, she said. ... people suddenly go below the speed limit when they see a cop? ... Isn't the standard for speed ...

Get Outta' My Way !!!! - Page 6 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums

"Driving is the most dangerous thing people do, but speeding doesn't necessarily increase the danger." Proof - People who strictly obey the ...