
Why Are Species' Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts?

Why Are Species' Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts?

We examine the evidence linking species' traits to contemporary range shifts and find they are poor predictors of range shifts that have occurred over ...

Why Are Species' Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts?

shifts and find they are poor predictors of range shifts that have occurred ... If so, this would contribute to the weak relationship between species' traits and ...

Why Are Species' Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts?

shifts and find they are poor predictors of range shifts that ... weak relationship between species' traits and range-shift capability.

Why Are Species' Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts?

Request PDF | Why Are Species' Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts? | We examine the evidence linking species' traits to contemporary ...

Accounting for nonlinear responses to traits improves range shift ...

In synthetic analyses, traits emerge as significant but weak predictors of species' range shifts across recent climate change. These studies ...

Climate, currents and species traits contribute to early stages of ...

Beissinger, S. R. & Riddell, E. A. Why are species' traits weak predictors of range shifts? Ann. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 52, 47–66 (2021) ...

Species' traits as predictors of range shifts under contemporary ...

Hence, syntheses and meta-analyses tend to show weak or inconsistent effects of species traits on interspecific variation in rates of range shifts (Angert et al ...

Can internal range structure predict range shifts? - PubMed

... range shifts. Characteristics of species' ranges may enhance prediction of range ... traits show weak or mixed ability to predict range shifts.

Plant traits poorly predict winner and loser shrub species in ... - Nature

Beissinger, S. R. & Riddell, E. A. Why are species' traits weak predictors of range shifts? Annu. Rev. Ecol., Evolution, Syst. 52, 47–66 ...

The importance of eco-evolutionary dynamics for predicting and ...

... range shifts, species and communities identified as being at risk ... Why are species' traits weak predictors of range shifts? Annu Rev ...

Data -- Accounting for nonlinear responses to traits improves ... - Dryad

In synthetic analyses, traits emerge as significant but weak predictors of species' range shifts across recent climate change. These studies ...

traits as predictors of range shifts under contemporary climate change

Identifying the world's most cli- mate change vulnerable species: A systematic trait-based assessment of all birds, amphibians and corals. PLoS ONE, 8 ...

substantial variation in empirical support for expected range shifts

... traits as predictors of species range shifts [72,73,74]. However ... Why are species traits weak predictors of range shifts? Annu Rev ...

Range geographies, not functional traits, explain convergent ... - eLife

2021Why Are Species' Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts?Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 52:47–66 ...

Improving range shift predictions: enhancing the power of traits

In synthetic analyses, traits emerge as significant but weak predictors of species' range shifts across recent climate change. These studies ...

A roadmap to understand species redistribution - Wiley Online Library

Therefore, even if body size can be an efficient predictor of range shifts, it provides only weak mechanistic understanding owing to trait ...

Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in ...

expectation provides a useful index of mean range shifts of an assemblage, but a poor predictor of maximum range shifts in the most responsive species.

Accounting for nonlinear responses to traits improves range shift ...

In synthetic analyses, traits emerge as significant but weak predictors of species' range shifts across recent climate change. These studies assume linear ...

Do species traits predict recent shifts at expanding range edges?

weak to aid managers attempting to designate species with the greatest ... We propose that species' traits may become better predictors of variation in range ...

Recent range shifts of moths, butterflies, and birds are driven by the ...

E. A.. (. 2021. ). Why are species' traits weak predictors of range shifts ? Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. ,. 52. (. 1. ) ...