
Why Does It Suck To Be A Project Manager?

I'm Starting to Hate Being a Project Manager : r/projectmanagement

I switched over to Project Management from a technical role 6 years ago. At the time it was so relieving to move out of my technical role ...

Why Does It Suck To Be A Project Manager? (It Doesn't Have To Be ...

I am writing to share some of the common things about being a project manager, why it sucks, but at the same time — why it is all worth it ...

Why is being a project manager hard? - Quora

Being a project manager is challenging due to the need to balance multiple tasks and responsibilities simultaneously. Coordinating diverse teams ...

why does project management suck so badly? - Julian Dunn's Blog

In this essay, I'm going to describe those negative experiences, explain what I think are the pre-requisites for project management to not suck, and then ...

5 reasons why your project manager sucks |

3. I did the task as it was described. The fact it doesn't make sense is not my fault. · Because a project manager only has two hands and no time ...

Does anyone else feel like the role of the project manager is not well ...

In my two years in this job, I constantly had to justify myself for doing regular project management tasks, such as just being involved and understanding what ...

Things I HATE as a Project Manager - YouTube

These are the things I HATE as a Project Manager! I absolutely love my job working as a Project Manager, and today, I'm sharing what exactly ...

Why Do Project Managers Suck? - Let's Talk Cabling Podcast

Some of it is brought on by how we, the industry, seek, promote, and hire project managers. I will cover those challenges and also give you four tips to become ...

Dear project manager, you suck. - PMStudent

I know many people who believe the “Monitoring & Controlling” parts of project management are the real meat of managing projects. ?It's a piece, but a rather ...

Why project managers get no respect | Scott Berkun

The core problem is perspective. Our culture does not think of movie directors, executive chefs, astronauts, brain surgeons, or rock stars as ...

Why Project Management Sucks | Business Coach - Jacob Aldridge

Because for the rest of us, Project Management Sucks. And it's for one obvious reason – the processes that work really well for large corporations simply do not ...

How to Suck at Project Management - LinkedIn

You should constantly look for opportunities to do this, in order to create a level of disinterest necessary for project failure. Take care not ...

Why are people not supportive of their Project Manager/Project ...

I'm now in the field and I notice so much push back. Why are people not accepting of the efforts the project manager and the project ...

Tyler Caskey on LinkedIn: Do most project managers suck, or it is ...

Not asking questions! Or asking and not listening to the answer because the 'timeline' would be thrown out. Another ..... Scoping the desired ...

Are PMs normally hated? - Project Management Stack Exchange

There are many ways to suck at being a PM and still be successful. Often their success is because the team succeeded despite the PM. One way ...

Why do project managers exist? Is it to give useless rich kids a job?

Good project managers are the best! They make everything so much easier for everyone. Bad ones can really really really bring down a whole team ...

Sometimes, Project Management Sucks -

Do you know what I mean? Like when you are developing a product using technologies that are relatively new and totally new to your team and ...

Ten Ways to Not Suck as a Project Manager | CodeGuru

There is absolutely nothing that I find more distasteful than a Project Manager who is afraid to stand up to Management when unreasonable ...

Is "project manager" now a bullshit job? - In My Humble Opinion

In my experience, project managers who get their hand too dirty with detail are the ones who have not made provision for the transition into ...

Project Management - Fusion - We Suck Less - Steak Under Water

wondering if anyone is using Ftrack for project management with Fusion. Doesn't look like there is full support like there is for Nuke, but ...