
Why Restoration of the Lower Snake River is Necessary to Save ...

Why Restoration of the Lower Snake River is Necessary to Save ...

Scientists say restoring the lower Snake River by taking out the dams is the single best thing we can do to save the salmon.

Why Remove The 4 Lower Snake River Dams?

In order to restore Snake River salmon populations to sustainable numbers, scientists have determined that they must consistently return adults to the uppermost ...

Why we need a Lower Snake River - Trout Unlimited

This is not about sacrifice; it is about saving salmon and steelhead while strengthening the regional economy. But we are committed – and determined - to seek ...

Five Reasons We Should Restore the Lower Snake River (and ...

The restoration of a free-flowing lower Snake River lies at the intersection of energy, agriculture, and the fisheries that define the ...

Restoring the Lower Snake River - Save Our Wild Salmon

Scientists agree there is an urgent need to remove the four lower Snake River dams to restore Snake River salmon runs, restore salmon habitats across the ...

Save the Lower Snake River

1. Restored Lower Snake River ... To ensure a future for salmon, the orcas who depend on them, the region's ecosystem, and the tribes whose treaties secure their ...

Why Should We Remove the Lower Snake River Dams? Your ...

Removing the lower Snake River dams will remove half of the major obstacles blocking fish migration to and from their spawning grounds.

The Need for Snake River Dam Removal Comes Into Focus

$17 billion has been spent on habitat restoration, improving fish passage at the dams, and predator control (among other well-intended actions).

Timeline: A Long Fight to Restore Snake River Salmon - Earthjustice

[As of 2023, there are 13 salmon and steelhead stocks listed as threatened or endangered in the Columbia Basin, including seven Interior ...

Free The Snake River!

Why is it important to remove the lower Snake River dams? Unlocking the Snake would restore access for wild salmon to thousands of miles of valuable cold ...

Snake River Dam Removal - Columbia Riverkeeper

The dams transformed the Lower Snake River into a series of warm, shallow lakes where predators, dam turbines, and hot water kill too many migrating salmon for ...

Statement of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) and the Western ...

2022; TU 2022), it is clear that breaching the four lower Snake River dams is necessary to (1) substantially improve the probability of recovering these ...

NOAA: Breaching lower Snake River dams is “essential” to wild ...

“These dams are preventing salmon and steelhead from reaching hundreds of miles of rivers and streams in the Snake Basin that have been restored ...

Best Chance to Save Wild Salmon in Columbia Basin: Remove Four ...

In a climate-changing world, we need to restore health and resiliency to our ecosystems. Removing the four dams on the Lower Snake River would heal and reopen ...

Why Give A Dam About the Snake River

As a result, salmon are now able to access habitats once lost. Fish Stock Recovery: As part of the Columbia River Basin, the Snake River serves ...

Washington State Acts on Snake River Restoration - NRDC

If the Snake River were to be restored to its natural free-flowing state, irrigators would likely experience larger electricity costs to lift ...

Scientists say removing Snake River dams 'is necessary' to restore ...

... Snake River salmon and steelhead, saying if the imperiled fish are to be saved, the four lower Snake River dams must go.

Lower Snake River Dams: Benefit Replacement Report

believe that breaching the LSRD is necessary to restore salmon abundances to achieve regional salmon recovery goals,40 there are some scientists, e.g. ...

AFS Supports Removal of Snake River Dams

The science is clear and compelling; removing the lower four Snake River dams is necessary to restore critically at-risk populations of wild Snake River salmon ...

Lower Snake River Dam Removal - The Conservation Alliance

Restoration of this incredible watershed would supercharge outdoor recreation and economic opportunities in the basin. For example, restored Columbia Basin ...