
Why Trust Situs is Important

Trust Situs Benefits for Trustees and Fiduciaries - Moss Adams

Trust situs determines which governing tax laws a trust must comply with, generally based on the location in which it legally resides.

Why Trust Situs is Important | Holland & Hart LLP - JDSupra

The Uniform Trust Code and states that have adopted the Code use the term “principal place of administration,” rather than “situs.” Under the ...

Trust Situs | U.S. Bank

Where your irrevocable trust is administered has an important impact. Different jurisdictions in the United States offer different opportunities ...

Choosing Situs for a Trust - InterActive Legal

There is no clear definition as to which state law will apply, which makes planning for situs important. You set up a trust in State A and say ...

Best States for Situs of Trust - Ascent | Private Capital Management

Trusts are an integral financial and estate planning tool for individuals and families with significant wealth. While choosing the right kind of trust for you ...

Situs Your Trust in a First-Tier Trust Jurisdiction - Ultimate Estate ...

There is no reason not to protect the assets for grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other beneficiaries. Thus, it is important for the ...

Choosing Favorable Trust Jurisdictions for Maximum Benefit

Situs matters because different states have different rules applicable to trusts – and some rules are more favorable than others, depending on your specific ...

Exploring the Advantages of Trust Situs in the Rushmore State

During the formation of a trust, it is very important to consider the situs (or location) in which the trust will be governed. Factors such ...

Changing a Trust's Location (Situs) - Wilmington Trust

April 22, 2024—The location, or situs, of someone's personal trust may have a significant impact on how the trust is taxed and the flexible ...

How, Why, and When to Transfer the Situs of a Trust - ProQuest

Rather than referring to such trusts as having multiple situs states, it may be more appropriate to think of a trust's "situs" as being the state whose courts ...

Selecting a Trust Situs | Colorado Lawyer

The trust drafter has a significant impact on initial situs and decisions related to the trust's future situs. The settlor and his or her advisors should ...

The Situs of Your Trust: It Just Means More

When selecting the state for your trust situs, the decision has far-reaching consequences. Although a trust situs provision is usually one small sentence in a ...

Changing a Trust's Situs - Greenleaf Trust

One flexible feature of a trust is the trustee's ability to change the situs of the trust to another jurisdiction that has more favorable laws.

Choosing the Best State for Your Trust - Fiduciary Trust International

The state of administration and governing law of a trust—also known as the trust “situs”—is an important decision that requires careful ...


Before we go there, however, it's important to think about the nature of trust relationships. A “trust” is not a legal entity, like a corporation or ...

Choice and Change of Trust Situs - UF Law Scholarship Repository

For both tax and non-tax reasons, it may become necessary to change situs from the initial to a new jurisdiction. There are several methods for changing situs.

Understanding the Situs of an Out-of-State Land Trust

The tax situs is also quite important. Every state will have different laws concerning how income from a trust is taxed. Moving the tax situs ...

The Wonderland of Trust Situs and Governing Law

(3). Notice that all qualified beneficiaries must agree. (iii) Without court approval: No court approval is necessary to transfer a trust's ...

Situs and the Resident Trust | Trust Situs and State Taxation

Is a change of situs a must if there are taxes to be saved? Trust situs ... These are important questions, because we all wonder, “Do trustees ...

Tenth of an Hour, Episode 104: Basics of Trust Situs, Part 1 - YouTube

Traditionally, trust situs was important solely for determining which state's courts would settle any dispute relating to the administration ...