
Why TypeScript Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning

Why TypeScript Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning

TypeScript intentionally does not follow strict semantic versioning. TypeScript's version numbers to date have instead incremented according to the following ...

Typescript should follow semantic versioning · Issue #14116 - GitHub

TypeScript never claimed to follow semantic versioning, in the sense that breaking changes imply major versions. TypeScript, however, promises no breaking ...

Why TypeScript Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning |

TLDRMost projects in the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem release new versions with numbers respecting semantic versioning, or semver.

[RFC] Semantic versioning for TypeScript types (applicable to all JS ...

This is hard since TS themselves don't even keep up with semantic versioning. Introduce a policy for semantic versioning for TypeScript types, ...

Learning TypeScript on X: " New Learning TypeScript article: Why ...

New Learning TypeScript article: Why TypeScript Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning A juicy topic, with info on: * What & why of ...

Is semantic versioning strictly followed by libraries published at ...

SemVer is all about developers conveying the level of effort or risk involved in taking one of their updates.

Node.js did not implement TypeScript - Michael Di Prisco

TypeScript doesn't follow semantic versioning (semver). Node.js, on the ... js, on the other hand, follows semver strictly and has three different release lines ( ...

TypeScript versioning is a joke on Semver that Daniel and team love ...

Every version of TypeScript is potentially a breaking change so if they wanted to be pure Semvers we would've been at TypeScript version 100 or more which could ...

Why Semantic Versioning Isn't - GitHub Gist

But Semantic Versioning (henceforth, SemVer), as specified at, changes this to prioritize a mechanistic understanding of a ...

How do I properly apply semantic versioning if I have more than ...

1 and publish that to your repository. This would handle ensuring that errors in your build process, such as ensuring that your TypeScript ...

Semantic Versioning Sucks! Long Live Semantic Versioning

Semantic versioning sucks because of transitive dependencies. Back in the day, when you had all your dependencies in source control, there were ...

Josh Ghoulberg on X: "This one's a little spicy 🌶. looking forward ...

New Learning TypeScript article: Why TypeScript Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning A juicy topic, with info on: * What & why of ...

Articles | Learning TypeScript

Why TypeScript Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning · What semver is and why it's useful for many packages · Why following a strict interpretation of semver ...

Semantic versioning and backward compatibility - Stack Overflow

Now, I want to turn on strict checks in my project, and because this function actually have flow that can return an undefined typescript now ...

What is Semantic Versioning? (semver) - YouTube

... Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning | ...

Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 | Semantic Versioning

In systems with many dependencies, releasing new package versions can quickly become a nightmare. If the dependency specifications are too tight, you are in ...

What is Semantic Versioning? (semver) -

... typescript-semver-explained-accurate-timers-and-countdowns. SemVer | Why TypeScript Doesn't Follow Strict Semantic Versioning | https ...

Understanding npm Versioning - DEV Community

0. When your package is in major version zero (e.g., 0.x.x ), the semver rules change slightly. In this case, breaking changes ...

Axel Rauschmayer: "As explained by @JoshuaKGoldbe…"

” It's interesting that people don't ...

I won't use SemVer patch versions anymore - André Staltz

So far, I believed in SemVer. In a way, I still do, but I developed another interpretation of its rules. It turns out, there isn't a “strict ...