
Why admin grant is required if my app is only requesting User.Read ...

Why admin grant is required if my app is only requesting User.Read ...

There are two possible reasons why users can't consent to User.Read: User consent is disabled or restricted. Each customer can choose to disable or limit user ...

Request permissions that require administrative consent

The application receives an access token and can continue its processes after the user grants consent. Remember to ensure that your app is ready ...

Admin consent for applications with permissions like User.Read or ...

For example if you choose delegated permissions tab then it wont require admin consent. ... But if you choose application permissions then it will ...

App using only delegated permissions requires admin approval

App-only permissions always require a tenant administrator's consent. If your application requests an app-only permission and a user tries to sign in to the ...

Why Read Directory permission is absolutely required for Azure AD ...

It's only required if you choose to get more user details (groups, extended properties, etc.) …but you just opted in for the basic user data & ...

Need Admin Approval popup - Microsoft Q&A

"Need admin approval unverified needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to ...

Azure application and Need admin approval - Spiceworks Community

Based on the application permissions above, the internal user still gets the Need Admin approval prompt. To my understanding, this is by design ...

Azure Admin consent request - Reddit

You just need to grant admin consent to the app whenever you add new permissions. This is done once each time you add permissions and then ...

Grant tenant-wide admin consent to an application - Microsoft Entra ID

In this section, you grant application permissions to your enterprise application. Application permissions are permissions your application ...

[Solved] “Need admin approval” or “Approval required ... - Medium

The AADSTS90094 error occurs when a non-administrator user attempts to use an application that requires consent, but the company administrator has turned off ...

Overview of user and admin consent - Microsoft Entra ID

Consent is a process where users can grant permission for an application to access a protected resource.

Entra ID OAuth Admin Consent and Risky Permissions - UW ITS

delegated permissions, i.e. the application has users which sign in to it–the application can only use a given permission when it has both the ...

Review and take action on admin consent requests - Microsoft Entra ID

Blocking a request creates a service principal object for the application in your tenant in a disabled state. Users won't be able to request ...

AADSTS90094: The grant requires admin permission, how to fix it ...

TL;DR, your app requires a permission which requires an administrator to consent to it, but it has not been done and the currently signing in ...

Approve app consent requests only for requesting user?

AADSTS90094: needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin ...

Having allowed user consent for apps, how do I determine why ...

needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permission to ...

Need Admin Approval error - Revenue Grid Knowledge Base

... grant the necessary permissions to Revenue Grid on behalf of all users of your Org. 7. After completing these steps, the Revenue Grid app will be added to your ...

Implement OAuth for Okta - Okta Developer

If the scopes requested exist in the app's grants collection, those scopes are sent back in the access token. However, when you make requests to perform actions ...

Azure App Registration Permissions step-by-step - Part 38 - BDRSuite

Limitations: By default, when you grant delegated permissions, the application only can act using the permissions granted to the user that is ...

Scopes for OAuth apps - GitHub Docs

If your OAuth app doesn't have access to a browser, such as a CLI tool, then you don't need to specify a scope for users to authenticate to your app. For more ...