
Why do leftist movements seem so stuck on Marx?

Why do leftist movements seem so stuck on Marx? - Reddit

It seems like Marx is the alpha and the omega. You tap anyone from myriad different schools of leftist thought, from eco-feminism to anarcho-syndicalism, and ...

Why don't leftists admit that their ideology is deeply rooted in Marxism?

Those whose ideology is deeply rooted in Marxism DO admit it. The idea that we don't is a right-wing fantasy. The thing is, most of the ...

The Marxist Who Antagonizes Liberals and the Left | The New Yorker

What does seem more obviously true is that, at a moment of very high ... are, and whether history has moved or is stuck in an unimprovable loop.

Why Conservatives Get Karl Marx Very, Very Wrong - Jacobin

Conservative pundits are more likely to caricature Karl Marx's writings and beliefs than offer serious rebuttals to his many ideas. Why?

Why Conservatives Should Read Marx | The Point Magazine

When Leftists reflect on their opposition to the free market, they will find that their reasons are–at least in part–conservative. And why not?

How Cultural Marxism Threatens the United States—and How ...

Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, these cultural Marxists want to distort America's history and dismantle its very ...

Left-Liberals - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

It is apparent from the results that those on the Marxist Left were much more decisively for or against the various ideological perspectives: they were more ...

New Left - Wikipedia

The New Left was a broad political movement that emerged from the counterculture of the 1960s and continued through the 1970s. It consisted of activists in ...

Why the Left Can't Stand The New York Times

This makes me something of a curiosity among my colleagues at traditional media institutions—staffed largely by liberals—so I often find myself ...

What the “Woke” Left and the Alt-Right Share by Slavoj Žižek

Neither side really stands up for the exploited or has any interest in working-class solidarity. The implication is not that “left” and “right” ...

The Collapse of the New Polish Left - Monthly Review

According to this narrative, any thinking based on classically leftist values is associated with a Marxist perspective, and has no chance of ...

The Making of the New Left | The New Yorker

... would seem ever more so. These reminiscences may seem romantic. They ... Marx: Things do not have to be the way they are. The nation ...

Marxism for International Law: A New Agenda - Oxford Academic

The era of New Left politics did not last very long. For all ... If it seems so certain that international lawyers do not really read ...

Anti-Stalinist left - Wikipedia

The anti-Stalinist left is a term that refers to various kinds of Marxist political movements that oppose Joseph Stalin, Stalinism, Neo-Stalinism and the ...

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 1) - Marxists Internet Archive

Thus, the whole historical movement is concentrated in the hands of the bourgeoisie; every victory so obtained is a victory for the bourgeoisie. But with the ...

It's OK that conservatives don't feel welcome - Student Life Newspaper

... so many of our students are liberal. We've already reached tacit agreement on this. We're an overwhelmingly left-leaning student body—73 ...

Why Is the Left More Divided Than the Right? - jstor

... leftist guerrilla capable of fighting the right, unleashed cannons on students' demon- movements in Burma, Malaya, Thailand The left's power was further weak.

Yanis Varoufakis: How I became an erratic Marxist - The Guardian

Having failed to couch a critique of capitalism in terms of freedom and rationality, as Marx thought essential, social democracy and the left in ...

Latin America's left-wing experiment is a warning to the world

Over the past year or so a majority of Latin Americans have gone into a polling booth and put their mark next ...

Raymond Williams and the Politics of a New Left

is in the gap left by that failure that the new movements are being formed ... Europe he looked forward to a socialist challenge to the very principles.