
Why do your teeth matter for your overall health?

Oral health: A window to your overall health - Mayo Clinic

Without good oral hygiene, germs can reach levels that might lead to infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Also, certain medicines ...

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health

Oral health is linked to whole-body health, which means that problems with your teeth and gums can lead to other health concerns like heart disease, stroke and ...

Why Is Oral Health Important? Here are 4 Reasons

Oral health problems have been shown to increase the risk of certain diseases, like endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of your heart ...

How Oral Health Affects Overall Health — and How to Improve Both

Evidence increasingly shows the strong relationship between oral health and systemic disease. Untreated gum disease can make chronic conditions, such as ...

The Connection between Oral Health and Overall Health | Guardian

Oral health is an integral part of your overall well-being. Find out how they're related and what you can do to promote a healthy mouth and body.

The Surprising Connections Between Oral Health and Well Being

In fact your oral health—the health of your teeth and gums—has a major impact on overall health, medical costs, and quality of life. “The ...

The Connection Between Your Oral Health and Your Overall Health

By taking proper care of your teeth and maintaining good oral health, you're also contributing to the wellbeing of your entire body. And that's because the two ...

The importance of a healthy smile - Oral Health Foundation

By brushing our teeth twice daily, maintaining a low-in-sugar diet and regularly visits to our dental professional, we can help reduce the risk of such diseases ...

Why good dental care is important to your overall health

Dentists now think there's a link between cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and chronic health problems, including diabetes and heart disease.

How Dental Health Affects Overall Health: Why It's So Important

In those with poor oral hygiene, the teeth can also provide a place for dangerous bacteria to colonize, eventually making their way into the ...

Did You Know Your Oral Health is a Window into Your Overall Health?

Not only can poor dental hygiene contribute to chronic disease, the health of your mouth can be affected by certain conditions. The following ...

The Importance of Dental Care for Your Overall Health

Caring for your teeth and gums is about so much more than just your oral health. In fact, your oral health has a significant impact on the rest of your body.

Importance Of Dental Health As An Adult | Salt Lake Dentist

Poor oral hygiene has been linked to various illnesses, including heart disease and stroke. Additionally, bacteria from poor oral hygiene can ...

The Benefits of Healthy Teeth and Gums - Pointe Dental Group

At times, your teeth may seem indestructible. But your mouth is surprisingly sensitive to the way you treat it and neglecting your dental care ...

Why Straight Teeth Matter for Your Overall Health

When your teeth are properly aligned, it becomes easier to maintain good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing effectively.

Effect of Oral Health on the Community, Overall Well-Being ... - NCBI

The oral cavity also is the main conduit of human interaction with society. Humans use it to verbally communicate with others, to take in nutrients and ...

How Your Teeth Affect Your Body - Dentist in Claremont, CA

They play a crucial role in your overall health. Good oral health is essential not only for a beautiful smile but also for your general well-being. If you have ...

Healthy Teeth and Gums Means Better Overall Health

Healthy teeth and gums mean you have a better chance of living a longer life. If you neglect your mouth, cavities and gum disease are just ...

Improve Your Overall Health with Optimal Oral Care - Aspen Dental

Poor dental health can lead to gum disease, which can actually be linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. This ...

How Your Teeth Affect Your Overall Health | Melbourne

Your oral health can directly contribute to heart disease. The bacteria and other microbes in your mouth, due to periodontal or other gum diseases, can access ...