
Why does my tacho say x 1000 minus 1? So does that mean it's x 999?

Why does my tacho say x 1000 minus 1? So does that mean it's x 999?

It says x1000 min-1. The unit is minutes to the power of -1, which is the same as "per minute", i.e. revs per minute.

Why do some car RPM meters indicate X100 and some X1000 of the ...

On a tachometer in your dashboard, the single digits shown are actually representations of units if 1000. So the one in the tach means 1000 rpm.

Rev counter question | Honda XRV Forum

So I reckon my assumption that x 1000min-1 means "times 1000 per 1 minute" must be right. Any Honda tech bods out there know? Otherwise,,,,, I ...

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999... = 1 is a first-order theorem of the theory of the real numbers. That means it's provably true (ie there is a logical proof from the ...

Pet Peeve: Tachometers | BobIsTheOilGuy

How are they not labeled correctly? If the numbers on the tach are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and it indicates RPM X1000 then 1 = ...

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Help Understanding Infringement - NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS ...

Tachomaster even says so, no reduced rest available after going over 15 hours. 11 hours off or not you would still have got the infringements.

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sales and reader feedback, has been well beyond our expectations. We had 'inklings' of this trend in 1979 when we published the Series 4000 Stereo Amplifier ...