
Why does the ChatGPT API return empty results when using certain ...

Why does the ChatGPT API return empty results when using certain ...

I'm using ChatGPT API in my Python project. I'm using the text-davinci-003 model. I have passed a prompt to the ChatGPT API.

ChatGPT app returns results; API does not - OpenAI Developer Forum

... get when I use the chatGPT web app). However, for some organizations, the API call returns NULL. I enter the org into the web app and I do ...

Empty text in the response from the API after few calls

Hi, Sometimes I am getting an empty response from the completion endpoint. The generated text is basically an empty string like: choices: ...

Chat completions response empty sporadically - API

It seems like either the API is not responding from the model or the model is breaking after a while of using prompts. I don't know which is ...

OpenAI API returning empty response - Stack Overflow

I am trying to do a simple request to ChatGPT but get a 200 response with no content { "answer": {} } Why can i not read the completion (also, how can i stream ...

ChatGPT Assistant returning empty responses in thread messages

When fetching the messages from the api for the thread it returns a 'text' object with value of ''. When queried the assistant believes it has ...

Concurrent Api call to OpenAI is returning empty response

The reason for the empty value on response was caused by Open Ai itself. I was getting the following error while making the API call, ...

How to Troubleshoot Empty Results from Langchain LLMs - Medium

... API Testing with Postman for your Development Team. Yeah, I've heard of it as well, Postman is getting worse year by year, but, you are…

Long empty response from chatgpt 3.5? - OpenAI Developer Forum

Welcome to the Forum! I have seen this happen on rare occasions when the servers are experiencing an issue, if you try it now does it continue?

Api call return empty, but works in playground - Prompting

The rocks are natural and, therefore, some can be broken or deformed, oval or round. ... Why does the ChatGPT API return empty results when using ...

Why Am I Receiving Empty Responses When Fetching by ...

However, sometimes the API returns an empty response, as if the response couldn't be found. Could this be due to a delay in the response being ...

Receive empty response for API even though playground has ...

Hello there, I have been having issues with using API. Here is ... Why does the ChatGPT API return empty results when using certain types of ...

GPT Prompt Bug: "" - LinkedIn

Our hero was just doing some work using the OpenAI GPT API. I had a ... Whenever I passed an empty prompt to ChatGPT, it seemed to display some ...

API is returning empty text on random - OpenAI Developer Forum

Have any of you come across an API call where it returned empty text for no reason even though the call was successful? I have tried running the ...

No answer is generated in the new update #113 - GitHub

That error occurs when you don't get any response from OpenAI. Could you detail what type of question you are asking and what model you are ...

ChatGPT Not Outputting Code or Providing Blank Responses - Bugs

It was trying to write lines for the manifest of my android app, and there is something blocking it from using the angle bracket responses. Once ...

Azure OpenAI Service REST API reference - Microsoft Learn

Results can't be streamed. When used with n , best_of controls the number of candidate completions and n specifies how many to return – ...

Get Structured Response From #OpenAI Using Function Calls

Open AI released new Chat GPT feature - Function Calling. What this basically means is that you can send a function to ChatGPT API and get ...

Getting back lists of data from the ChatGPT API

So the solution was to tell it to return a plain list. Tell me the top 10 classical piano pieces played today. Provide the response with one ...

Query occasionally returns incorrect empty response #382 - GitHub

I am using promxy to do alerting ... After trying these suggestions we are doing some further validation before concluding our results.