
Why does this MySql query lead to inconsistent results?

Inconsistent query results from MySQL - Stack Overflow

As you can see the result count is bigger when query is restricted which should not happen. What could be the cause of this? It happens in ...

98942: Inconsistent results for the queries which should return same ...

Description: In some cases we see some select queries returning wrong results. We are seeing these cases repeat when there are the combination ...

Inconsistent results with MySQL, query never ends on MariaDB

I have no idea what is causing the strange issue, but I'll point out that the JOIN to table2 in this query has no purpose. · Hi Bill, thanks for ...

MySQL Bugs: #115146: Inconsistent Results in SQL Query

Specifically, changing a constant TRUE to a condition involving TO_DAYS leads to a different result set. How to repeat: Set up the table: CREATE ...

Inconsistent query results caused by different execution of subqueries

Hi Mr. Jove, We have decided that this is a bug. A low severity bug, but still a bug. The bug lies in the fact that a query ...

Using MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE leading to inconsistent results ...

Both queries below import the data. In the first query w/ exec the quotes are not removed from the table fields. The second query removes the ...

MySQL Query and TiDB Result Inconsistency in TiDB 5.0.4

To determine the specific reason, you can troubleshoot step by step. First, check if the SQL syntax and data types are compatible, then check if ...

MySQL Bugs: #114568: Different join orders cause inconsistent results

... results are expected to be returned. However, query Q1 returns an empty result, while query Q2 returns a non-empty result. How to repeat ...

MySQL Bugs: #109479: Inconsistent result set in outer query

It is expected that the outer query (2) should return 18 rows given the nature of outer query. But under some non reproducible scenarios, the ...

MySQL Bugs: #69638: Wrong results when running a SELECT that ...

Description: When we execute a SELECT that includes a HAVING based on a mathematical function, the results are wrong under certain ...

MySQL Bugs: #69517: Inconsistent result in stored procedure

Its is calling a function to do the comparision. The result is not consistent and changes unexpectedly. Passing (0, 0) should always return 'Not ...

SQL Tip: Window Functions Can Produce Inconsistent Results

That being said, if you don't have the correct ORDER BY expression, every time the query is run, the row chosen is non-deterministic (not random), leading to ...

MySQL 1063 - Metis Data

It indicates that the query syntax is incorrect, which can lead to unexpected results or even prevent the application from running. This can cause the ...

114435: Incorrect query results caused by the subquery optimization.

Posted by developer: Not a bug. The optimizer sees that the predicate (1 IS UNKNOWN) is false, hence it does not have to evaluate the second ...

How to Use MySQL LEAD and LAG Analytical Functions - Devart

Understanding window functions in MySQL is important for anyone working with large datasets and complex queries. ... The query will return a result set that ...

PDO query inconsistency - MySQL database - PHPHelp

Also, this may be due to the database server's strict mode being on. You are using an aggerate function, count(), in a query that doesn't have a ...

Inconsistent date types from MySQL Database in Perspective?

date which is what I expect, but for some reason, perspective calling this function and running the same exact query returns a java.sql.

How to Fix MySQL Error Code 1055 - 10Web

Functional dependence: MySQL expects columns in the SELECT list that are not aggregated to be functionally dependent on the GROUP BY clause.

Inconsistent result in Power BI when comparing with mysql query

Hi guys, I pull my data into Power BI desktop from AWS RDS. Honestly have been doing this for quite sometime but I have never experienced ...

MySQL now() function seems inconsistent · Issue #6861 - GitHub

For some reason, when using now() in metabase queries, it gives different result than when the same query is run on the database directly.