
Why go to church every Sunday? is it a biblical obligation?

Why go to church every Sunday? is it a biblical obligation? - Reddit

There is no biblical obligation to convene at a specific building once a week for Christian stuff. There is a biblical precedent to seek fellowship with other ...

Is it mandatory for all Christians to go to church on Sunday? - Quora

Nothing. As mentioned by other commentators, the Bible does encourage followers of Jesus to meet together for purposes of encouraging each other ...

Why should we attend the church every Sunday

The Bible clearly states that continued absence to church can lead to wilfull sin. ... each other — a responsibility charged to every follower of Christ. If we ...

Why is church attendance / going to church important? - Got Questions

Simply put, the Bible tells us we need to attend church so we can worship God with other believers and be taught His Word for our spiritual ...

Church Attendance Is Down — Do We Really Need to Go?

Do we really need to go to church every Sunday? People are like ... Bible, praying or going to church—was obligation or duty. We did ...

Do You Have to Go to Church Every Sunday? - Things Above Us

It's not so much that a Christian “has” to go to church every Sunday but that he or she wants to. And when sinfulness gets in the way of that ...

Why do we need to go to Mass every Sunday? - Unleash the Gospel

The Church has always been serious about the Sunday Mass obligation, but this isn't an arbitrary mandate. Rather, Scripture reveals that Sundays ...

Why Does the Church Impose a Sunday Mass Obligation?

There is no biblical evidence that stipulates that we must attend Mass on Sunday, although such attendance is in keeping with biblical principles.

Does a Christian have to attend church every Sunday? | NeverThirsty

Sunday is the new day of rest and worship for Christians. The early Christians devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles. The apostle Paul described ...

Give me five good reasons why going to Mass every Sunday is ...

The Christian Sabbath is Sunday, and Catholic's keep the Sabbath holy by fulfilling the obligation to attend Mass (Canons 1246-1248; Catechism of the ...

Why do Catholics have to go to Mass on Sunday?

... church or a faith. Even if they gather with others for a Bible study or another type of Christian activity, they will usually tell you that ...

Does the Bible Say Christians Have to Attend Church?

James exhorts anyone who is sick to “call the elders of the church to pray over them,” and to “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other” (James 5 ...

Every Sunday must go to church? | Christian Forums

Yes, a Christian must go to church every Sunday. Perhaps the clearest reference comes from the book of Hebrews.

Why Sunday Mass Is an Obligation - Ascension Press Media

Catholics are instructed to attend Mass and enjoy adequate rest on Sundays (see Catechism of the Catholic Church 2180-2188).

6 Reasons Why You Should Go to Church | Come unto Christ

One of the ways we keep this commandment is to meet together on Sundays to worship God and give Him thanks. We are also strengthened when we are around other ...

Going to Church every Sunday - Lifestyle & Culture

Every Sunday, my family and I come together to attend church, and it's a cherished tradition that brings us closer as a family and ...

Where in the Bible does it require weekly attending of the Mass?

The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday is a Church law, not a Divine commandment like the 10 commandments.

Why do Christians attend church on Sunday? | Sabbath Truth

I used to go to church on Sunday and I asked the same question one time and I was shocked to find out that Sunday worship is not grounded in Scripture at all ...

Why Do Christians Go to Church on Sunday? | Ask Redeemer

Why Do Christians Go to Church on Sunday? | Ask ... | Ask Redeemer | Dave Farnell. 2.8K views · 3 years ago ...more. Redeemer Bible Church AZ.

Do I have to attend church every Sunday?

"more important than God" would imply Sunday-Church-Service == God. I'm sure you didn't want to say that ;D And if that youth group is one of ...