
Why is the Christian Life So Difficult?

Why is the Christian Life So Difficult? - Keep Believing Ministries

While salvation is delightful, discipleship is often difficult. The Christian life is not only difficult; it's impossible without a new heart.

Why is it So Hard to be a Christian? - Cuurio

Being a Christian isn't meant to be easy and the Bible is clear that the Christian life is harder than living for yourself.

Why is the Christian life so hard? - Quora

Living a true Christian life is very hard because of our unredeemed human nature [the flesh], the world, and the devil.

In what ways is being a Christian difficult? |

Being a Christian is difficult because we must now confront our lives from a different worldview that comes with a new set of values—God's ...

Why Is the Christian Walk So Hard? | Koinonia House

What makes this such a "hard walk" is not God's fault, but our own. What's difficult (and I, personally, do wish much easier) is the constant choosing every one ...

Why does life seem so hard? (Christian Adulting Struggles) - Reddit

Life is hard. It requires discipline and perseverance. Take joy in small things. Be thankful. Serve others. And fight to withstand and endure.

I am a Christian. Why is my life so hard? | by Marion Phillips - Medium

We have trouble because we have life. Problems and life go hand in hand. In fact, the Bible promises us hardships.

Life Is Hard. Jesus Doesn't Make It Easier. - The Gospel Coalition

Throughout this ordeal I knew myself to be a Christian. God had shocked me at age 15 with an experience of his grace. I wish I had the proper ...

Has anybody else's life gotten significantly harder as a Christian?

So, what you're experiencing is a normal part of the initiation stage of true Christianity. Most people give up the moment it gets hard, I ...

Does Christianity Make Life Harder? - Desiring God

So yes, our union Christ sanctifies all our “inevitable suffering” in this fallen world, but it also brings deeper suffering, too. “But this is ...

The Difficulty of Christianity - Truth Point Church

But again, this is why true Christianity is so difficult. Because every other type of religion and philosophy offers you a way in that's based ...

Why Is It So Hard to Live the Christian Life? - Prepared to Answer

The key to living the Christian life is not something, but someone: The Holy Spirit. It's he whom God gifts to you the moment you're born again.

The Struggles of the Christian Life - Gentle Reformation

Struggles are a significant part of the Christian life. If our view of God and life is too simple, then it can lead to frustration and fear.

Why Does the Christian Life Seem So Hard? - Day 1 of 5 -

The “normal” Christian life is a struggle to the very end. I actually find that tremendously encouraging—because it means my struggle isn't in vain ...

Is Christianity Easy or Hard? - Lifeway Research

OK, so maybe being a Christian isn't so easy. Apparently, it's hard—so hard in fact, only a sliver of humanity finds the path to eternal life.

Why is it so hard to be a Christian and do what's right?

If old habits have you in their grip, ask God to help you replace them with new ways of living. In addition, learn to walk with Christ every day ...

Why is the Christian Life So Hard? | 20schemes Equip

Why is the Christian Life So Hard? · It is true that eternal life is far better than eternal death. · It is true that heaven is better than hell ...

Why Does God Make Life So Hard? And What He Wants Us to Do ...

Life's problems are here to stay. They only change; they don't go away. But you can learn to respond to them better and enjoy life more.

Why is Christianity so Difficult? - God Running

I think many Christians today find Christianity hard because they're not disciples. It might seem like a paradox but the deeper you go in Christ ...

Why is living for God so difficult? - Compelling Truth

Living for God is difficult because we have our sinful, fleshly selves to contend with. The flesh and the Spirit of God are in opposition to each other.