Why is the Loggas Kausagg only till Chandesu Nimma Layra?
Why is the Loggas Kausagg only till Chandesu Nimma Layra?
The cost can be broken into two: Initial Cost and Recurring Cost. The Initial Cost includes the cost of setting up the system at home including the machinery, ...
Why Logassa is chanted till chandesu nimalayra only
When we do Pratikamana, why we are told to chant logassa till chandesu nimalayra only.
September 2 - Kamal Shah's Blog
Posts · Those with CKD - please consider a Preemptive Kidney Transplant · Why is the Loggas Kausagg only till Chandesu Nimma Layra? · Silver Lining ...
Chatur_Vinshati Stava (Logassa Sutra)
This is a very popular and ancient prayer. It is often called the Logassa-Sutra because it starts with the word logassa (lokasya = of the world).
What is the story behind the creation of Logassa Sutra? - Quora
Not just for Smartas, this is applicable to all. Ancient Hinduism built a series of laws, conventions and protocols for people to coordinate ...
Logassa Sutra - Jain Treasures
It comprises 256 letters. A general benchmark is to take 25 breaths to recite upto Chandesu Nimmalyara. Logassa Sutra recited by Pujya Sadhvi Sanghmitraji ...