
Why should we not discuss our salary with colleagues or friends at ...

Why is it generally considered as bad to talk about your salary with ...

It's not bad for employees. It's bad for employers because if everyone knows what everyone else makes then it gives the employee more power in ...

Why should we not discuss our salary with colleagues or friends at ...

Salary is strictly confidential personal thing and it could not disclose with anyone because it is personal and everything could not share ...

Should you share your salary details with other people? (Opinion)

... people should discuss salaries with their friends, colleagues, and family members ... my stance is to not discuss your salary with other people.

Is it ever okay to discuss your salary with colleagues?

Disclosing your salary to colleagues is not considered a good idea, especially because of the envy and resentment that can get created. Deflect ...

Your Right to Discuss Wages - National Labor Relations Board

You may have discussions about wages when not at work, when you are on break, and even during work if employees are permitted to have other non-work ...

Should you share your salary with coworkers? - CBS News

For workers, knowing what someone in an identical position earns can expose pay disparities ...

What Are the Pros and Cons of Discussing Your Salary?

“Employers hate it when employees discuss salaries because it exposes discrimination and other unfair pay practices,” she says. “If your employer has a written ...

What you can and can't do when employees discuss wages - Insperity

Suspicion, distrust and other negative emotions often result from salary discussions and seriously affect company morale. The best way to head off those ...

Is it okay to discuss your salary with your colleagues? | Robert Half

If you decide to bring up the topic of salaries and wage, comparing salaries with a colleague that earns less than you can create feelings of ...

Talking about your salary with colleagues: the do's and don'ts

The subject is still often avoided because it can bring problems and jealousy. Why should you, for example, earn less than your colleagues, or ...

Should You Tell Your Co-Workers Your Salary? - US News Money

“Never share your salary with a co-worker,” McIntosh says. “There's no scenario where this works out well. If you're earning more than they are, ...

Yes, You Can Discuss Your Salary With Your Co-Workers | Kiplinger

Yes, You Can Discuss Your Salary With Your Co-Workers ... Your employer, who should be familiar with pay transparency laws, might not like it, but ...

Should you share your salary with coworkers? - ZipJob

Cons of discussing salary with coworkers · Workplace Discomfort: Salary discussions amongst colleagues may create an uncomfortable atmosphere at ...

Can Your Employer Prohibit You from Discussing Your Salary?

While employers may restrict workers from discussing their salary in front of customers or during work, they cannot prohibit employees from talking about pay ...

No, you can't stop your people talking about pay (and that's OK)

And for HR teams and managers, there are other reasons to discourage money talk. It's long been held that employees sharing information about ...

Why We Should Get Over The Taboo Of Discussing Salary Openly ...

This leads me to question why we have an obsession of secrecy surrounding salaries and an avoidance of talking about our net worth. If ...

should I have shared my salary with a coworker? - Ask a Manager

The second is the corollary of the first – if it's your legal right to discuss salary at work, it naturally follows that your employer cannot ...

Should You Discuss Your Salary with Friends, Co-Workers or Family?

Both the above situations involve risk to the employee and their co-worker which is why I would suggest many co-workers do not discuss their ...

Yes, You Should Tell Your Friends How Much You Make. Here's Why

Discussing money with your friends and coworkers shouldn't be taboo. It could be a powerful defining moment for everyone involved.

Discussing your salary with colleagues can be uncomfortable, but ...

You might think your salary is a private matter, but you could be wrong. It's reasonable to assume that your colleagues know how much you ...