
Why use CSS and not just the html code we used before

Why use CSS and not just the html code we used before

It's basically the mid point between the external and the inline styles. Like the inline the internal stylesheet is good when you need to make changes to a ...

coding style - Should I write HTML or CSS first?

A CSS style sheet cannot; it is nothing displayable (except as code) but instructions for display. It's a different issue that during painting, ...

When to style directly in the HTML instead of CSS - Stack Overflow

Use CSS in HEAD in some "quite" big, but not too big chunks of CSS code, that are page-specific. Use inline CSS for local modifications only ...

Are HTML+CSS still needed? : r/Frontend - Reddit

Sorry but JS is still just about the functionality/state of a site. Yeah a lot of jobs are asking for Angular and React devs but they still need ...

Do you write your HTML or CSS first? - SitePoint

If you have no HTML to style then the CSS file should be empty as any styles in it are redundant as they don't actually style anything.

Do developers sometimes write CSS before HTML? Why? - Quora

There's the ideal, and then there's the reality: Ideally Developers should not write CSS before HTML. HTML's job is to mark up content ...

Difference Between HTML and CSS: A Complete Guide | Simplilearn

HTML provides web page structure, whereas CSS is mainly used to control web page styling. This article will discuss the significant differences ...

Why is it (or was it) important to separate CSS from HTML? [duplicate]

Separating content from style may still be useful for the same reason as above: code duplication. If two elements share the same style, you ...

When should you use the pseudo elements ::before and

... before and ::after, vs just ... How would you go about making your source code (HTML) and CSS easy to troubleshoot in the future? ... If not, they ...

What Is CSS and Why Should You Use It? - Devmountain

1) Faster Page Speed. More code means slower page speed. · 2) Better User Experience. CSS not only makes web pages easy on the eye, it also allows for user- ...

Should you add style in HTML or CSS, which is preferred?

Definitely in CSS, it's cleaner code and better to maintain in the future. 3 Likes. JavaTheNutt December 13, 2016, 10:13am 4.

When must I use "=" or ":"? - HTML-CSS - The freeCodeCamp Forum

for example;

where idName is a unique name used only once ... used more than once ... CSS doesn't use =, just showing for ...

What are HTML and CSS used for? The basics of coding for the web

Just as with any language, you have to write CSS, and knowing how we write CSS is a skill that any webpage developer needs to have. Easy to ...

Is it better to learn HTML first and then CSS, or should I learn both ...

I would say that there is nothing wrong with learning them hand-in-hand. After all, HTML is used to build a webpage, but you need CSS to style ...

Coding for Web Design 101: How HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Work

You see, HTML, developed back in 1990, was not really intended to show any physical formatting information. It was originally meant only to ...

How Much HTML and CSS Should You Know To Develop? - Medium

I believe a CSS pre-processor's biggest value comes from how it helps a developer organize his/her CSS code. This makes it easy to manage a site ...

Building Your First Web Page - Learn to Code HTML & CSS

As a rule, HTML will always represent content, and CSS will always represent the appearance of that content. With this understanding of the difference between ...

CSS Id vs Class: Reasons not to use IDs in CSS - DEV Community

Using only the class attribute to define styles is easier for others to understand instead of a combination of the class and id attributes. 4.

Why You Should Learn HTML & CSS - Code Institute Global

Being a developer is not the only purpose of learning the pillars of web development programming languages. However, with even the basic knowledge and working ...

Know How to Add CSS to HTML with Examples -

The browser loads an HTML file first, then downloads the CSS file when using external CSS. We only need to download one HTML file instead of two ...