
Why we shouldn't make a Spring MVC controller @Transactional?

Why we shouldn't make a Spring MVC controller @Transactional?

The controller can be made @Transactional, but indeed it's a common recommendation to only make the service layer transactional (the persistence layer should ...

Why not just always use the @Transactional annotation? - Reddit

The time when is dangerous to add Transactional is when you have mixed IOs in your method, eg. inserting in db and calling a 3rd party api. The ...

When to use @Transactional in Spring-boot and when it is not ...

Imagine you have a service method that calls 3 different repository methods, all transactional. If one fails, then all of those transactions ...

Should I implement database transactional logic in controller ...

They should ideally only have data conversion, validation, page flow logic (if any) and calls into the Service Layer, where all business logic ...

Transaction Design Pattern for MVC and location of responsibility?

In that case, it shouldn't have any knowledge about transactions; they should be kept at a lower layer. When the controller needs to execute ...

Spring Web Flow

Level up your Java code and explore what Spring can do for you ... Once complete it shouldn't be possible to repeat a transaction accidentally. Spring Web ...

Remove spring DispatcherServlet from transactions - APM

What is the Spring MVC version you are using ... So, did you eventually get transaction named something like ControllerName#methodName ?

Spring @Transactional: Timeout, Rollback Explained - CodingNomads

Change that default with caution! Ensure the exception you don't roll back for won't get thrown in any unexpected ways. And make sure no subclasses of an ...

A Guide to Spring's Open Session In View - Baeldung

On the other hand, if we find ourselves calling a lot of remote services or there is so much going on outside of our transactional contexts, ...

What is Spring Framework? An Unorthodox Guide - Marco Behler

Without proper Spring framework knowledge, you will sooner or later get lost. You won't fully grok e.g. Spring Boot, no matter how unimportant ...

MockMvc doesn't use spring-boot's mvc exception handler #7321

I would argue that you shouldn't be testing Spring Boot's error handling. ... What option do we have to check at controller level? All reactions.

Spring Framework Interview Flashcards | Quizlet

Hence in default mode spring beans are not thread-safe. However, we can change spring bean scope to request, prototype or session to achieve thread-safety at ...

Tips, Tricks, and Springs: Best Spring Practices - Notch

Controllers are entry points into Spring applications. For this reason and to keep our business logic independent of communication protocols, we ...

Is it bad practice that a controller calls a repository instead of a ...

Direct DAO Access is dangerous in controllers, it can make you susceptible for SQL injections and gives access to dangerous actions like ,, ...

Arquillian Spring Integration| Content Archive (Read Only)

Heya guys, I think it makes perfect sense to extract transaction handling out of APE and let it live it's own life. To be honest it shouldn't be.

Why and How to Use Spring With Jersey?

If you're comfortable with implementing REST controllers with Spring, then more power to you. ... Also we get transaction support in a declarative ...

Chapter 13. Web MVC framework - Spring

Note that you cannot add advice to final methods using Spring MVC. This means it won't be possible to add advice to for example the AbstractController.

@Transactional not working with Spring MVC - Google Groups

Transactional only applies to the services if you have the tx declaration in the other file and also the component scan.

Using Sessions in Spring-MVC (including “scoped-proxies”)

Cons: it's messy, exposes your clean controller to the Servlet API and needs null checking after you've called getAttribute. Unit testing of ...

Spring Boot Integration Testing With @SpringBootTest

Therefore, if we start a transaction in the test, it's not the same transaction as on the webserver. This separation means that we cannot use @ ...