
Why you shouldn't put refs in a dependency array

Why you shouldn't put refs in a dependency array - Epic React

The reason you shouldn't list a ref in your useEffect dependency array is because it's an indication that you want the effect callback to re-run when a value ...

reactjs - Is it safe to use ref.current as useEffect's dependency when ...

@otakustay If you relaying on DOM change why you using a dep array? Put the logic in useEffect without a dep array. ref.current as ...

Avoiding Pitfalls: Why You Shouldn't Put Refs in a Dependency ...

In React, when using the useEffect hook, it's generally not recommended to include mutable references (such as objects or arrays) directly in the dependency ...

React Hook useEffect has an unnecessary dependency: 'ref.current'

You shouldn't add ref.current to a dependency array because you can't be certain the effect will re-run when the ref mounts. Its just ...

The Latest Ref Pattern in React | Epic React by Kent C. Dodds

So if you include ref.current in the dependency array, you'll get surprising behavior that's difficult to debug. As a side-note, because the ref itself ...

Kent C. Dodds on X: "While we're talking about all the dependencies ...

... you shouldn't and why. Why you shouldn't put refs in a dependency array. From · 8 ...

What are dependency arrays in React? - Devtrium

But as far as dependency arrays are concerned, be aware that it's useless to put a ref in a dependency array. Without getting too much into the ...

useEffect will unpredictable when depends on ref (useRef) #16121

This is expected. Dependencies should only include values that participate in top-down React data flow. Such as props, state, and what you ...

The unspoken rules of React hooks -

... refs, and the return value of useEffectEvent: these are all things you shouldn't put in dependencies arrays, because they have stable values.

Why does eslint warn about useEffect having a missing dependency?

useEffect hooks need dependency arrays because of all the reasons explained in this thread – in brief, because you probably only want them to ...

Avoiding useEffect with callback refs - TkDodo's blog

This is mostly fine and doesn't violate any rules. The empty dependency array is okay because the only thing used inside is the ref, which is ...

React's useEffect and useRef Explained for Mortals - Lee Warrick

If you're staring at that empty dependency array, you've noticed the first useEffect quirk. ... Think of refs as a variable you're setting to the ...

Understanding the useEffect Dependency Array | by Denny Scott

One of the first issues you can come across with effects directly in your code is that you can very easily block the UI from rendering. You won' ...

Removing Effect Dependencies - React

When you write an Effect, the linter will verify that you've included every reactive value (like props and state) that the Effect reads in the list of your ...

Hooks API Reference - React

The array of dependencies is not passed as arguments to the effect function. Conceptually, though, that's what they represent: every value referenced inside the ...

should useRef be in a dependencies array? | by #Under_The_Hook

Why useRef Is Not Needed in the Dependency Array · Immutable Reference: Since the ref object itself (returned by useRef ) is stable and does not ...

The exhaustive-deps rule has to be treated seriously

When you feed the dependency array with variables you have created, you can double-check if those variables just change their references ...

Understanding the dependency array in the React useEffect hook

The dependency array defines dependencies for the effect. It specifies which values or variables inside the component should be watched for changes.

React - Refs And Memoization - The Odin Project

As we all know, when a state has been changed, React will try to re-render the component, which means that it will destroy all local variables not controlled by ...

Referencing Values with Refs - React

When you pass a ref to a ref attribute in JSX, like

, React will put the corresponding DOM element into myRef.current . Once the element is ...