
Winter Feeding to Protect Pasture

Reducing Pasture Damage During Winter Feeding

Winter feeding can cause severe pasture degradation. Taking action to prevent as much damage as possible can help reduce erosion and encourage forage regrowth ...

Pasture Care and Winter Feeding - Penn State Extension

During winter feeding, rain and snow are not friends to pastures. Add the typical 30s at night and 40s in the day, and you can quickly have a ...

Protecting Your Pastures While Winter Grazing - SDSU Extension

Winter grazing of stockpiled grass produced during the growing season can help extend the grazing season and reduce winter feed costs.

Winter Grazing to Protect Soils - On Pasture

Feeding hay on pasture can absolutely reduce time in winter feeding areas and can also boost organic matter and nutrients to sites that need it.

Winter Feeding to Protect Pasture - Master Grazer

Sunny fall days make it hard to think about the approaching winter months and the less than ideal feeding conditions that come with the rain, cold and snow ...

9 tips to reduce pasture damage during winter feeding - Farm Progress

1. Create a sacrifice pasture or lot. · 2. Split sacrifice area into two or more sections. · 3. Target feed to attract livestock. · 4. Feed hay ...

Winter mud – how to save your pastures during hay feeding season!

Mud can affect cattle performance. When cattle have to walk through mud it increases their energy demand, in turn feed consumption increases to meet their ...

Winter | Master Grazer - University of Kentucky

We have to change the way we manage our livestock in order to sustain the animals as well as preserve our pastures for the coming spring. As forage becomes less ...

Alternative Winter Feeding Strategies for Beef Cattle Management

Forage stockpiling practices include bale grazing, swath and windrowed forage grazing, grazing late-summer-planted cover crops or rested pastures, and utilizing ...

8 Considerations when choosing winter feeding spot - Beef Magazine

Care needs to be taken when deciding which areas of the farm are to be utilized as winter pastures or feeding areas. Soil erosion, damage to plants, ...

Reducing Pasture Damage During Winter Feeding | Ohio BEEF ...

Feed your stored feedstuffs only in the designated sacrifice areas during the late fall, winter and early spring – or until your pastures have ...

Managing Beef Winter Feeding Sites to Protect Environment and ...

Reallocating the manure nutrients from the winter lot to the surrounding pastures and hayfields will benefit the crops, help your pocketbook and ...

Winter Hay Feeding Strategies | University of Maryland Extension

They key to effective bale grazing on wetter soils is to keep the animals moving forward to new areas and to feed at low hay densities.

Intensive Grazing - Winter Grazing Strategies - Cattle Farming

Always keep an emergency hay reserve for summer drought, winter pasture shortages, feed during ice storms, to protect pastures during the spring thaw, and ...

Feeding Hay and Protecting Your Pasture - Moore County Center

Although we have had some warm days, winter is coming up quickly, and our warm-season grasses are going dormant, so we have to start feeding ...

Winter Feeding and Manure Management

What is Winter Feeding and Manure Management Winter feeding and manure management practices are intended to prevent areas exposed to heavy ...

What the Hay?! How, Why, and What We Feed During the Winter

Allowing the grass and alfalfa to dry before baling is super important because it ensures that the interior of the bales will be dry and ...

Pasture and Forage Minute: Cold Stress Preparation, Feeding ...

A general rule of thumb we can use is that for every degree of cold stress a cow faces, they increase their energy requirements by 1%.

What to do with winter feeding, pasture areas - Farm Progress

Spread hay and manure where most needed. Piles of wasted hay and accumulated manure need to be removed and spread uniformly on the fields that ...

Winter Feeding and Weight Management - Roughrider Feeds

Rotate Pastures – If possible, rotate animals through several pastures during the winter months so they can take advantage of better forage in different fields.