
archipelagic sea lanes passage

archipelagic sea lanes passage - the United Nations

An archipelagic State may designate sea lanes and air routes thereabove, suitable for the continuous and expeditious passage of foreign ships and aircraft.

Limits in the Seas, No. 141 - Indonesia - State Department

Government Regulation No. 37 of 2002 sets out the rights and obligations of foreign ships and aircraft exercising the right of archipelagic sea lanes passage.

The Influence of the Philippine Archipelagic Sea Lanes Act on ...

Under archipelagic sea lanes passage, foreign vessels and aircraft are permitted to transit in an unimpeded, continuous manner, and are allowed ...


Article 23 - 33 - INTERNATIONAL STRAITS AND ARCHIPELAGIC SEA LANES ... 23. Belligerent warships and auxiliary vessels and military and auxiliary aircraft may ...


By defining TSS on Indonesian Archipelagic Sea Lanes (IALS) routes, every ship passing by using the right of archipelagic sea lane passage will ...

Archipelagic States - U.S. Naval War College Digital Commons

Archipelagic Sea Lanes Passage. ASLP applies within archipelagic waters and the adjacent territorial sea whether or not the archipelagic State has des- ignated ...

Archipelagic Sea Lane - Teledyne CARIS

'an archipelagic State may designate sea lanes ..., suitable for the continuous and expeditious passage of foreign ships ... through ... its archipelagic waters ...

Archipelagic sea lanes - Oxford Reference

Within archipelagic waters, an archipelagic State may designate sea lanes and air routes thereabove for the continuous and expeditious passage of foreign ...

The Right of Archipelagic Sea Lanes Passage based on law of the ...

All ships and aircraft enjoy the right of archipelagic sea lanes passage in such sea lanes and air routes under Article 53(2).

Regulating Aircraft Passages in Archipelagic Sea Lanes

In the regulations, article 19 (3) it is stipulated that aircraft passing through the Indonesian archipelagic sea lanes must notify and get ...

Indonesia's Archipelagic Sea Lanes: International Law and Practice

Vessels under archipelagic sealanes passage must navigate within 25 miles of an axis line, and not within 10 percent of the distance from any ...

How Indonesia and the US differ on air routes over sea lanes

Indonesia is presently the only country to have designated an archipelagic sea lane under Article 53 of UNCLOS, which extends to the right of aircraft passage.

Law of the Sea Convention, Article 53, Right of ... - YouTube

United Nations Convention on the #law_of_the_sea Article53 Right of archipelagic sea lanes passage 1. An #archipelagic_State may designate ...

Archipelagic sea lanes passage and maritime security in ... - CORE

except for internal waters of an archipelagic state; whereas archipelagic sea lanes passage is for transit by ships and aircraft in the designated sea lanes or ...

"What is Right, Archipelagic Sea Lanes and Passage?" by Maria ...

The Right, Archipelagic Sea Lanes, and Passage are a new concept in international law of the sea, which only exists and applies to archipelagic states.

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

research and survey activities, duties of the archipelagic State and laws and regulations of the archipelagic State relating to archipelagic sea lanes passage .


Abstract. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which gave birth to a new legal regime at sea, has been regarded as a ...

Innocent, transit, and archipelagic sea lanes passage

Are the concepts of innocent, transit, and archipelagic sea lanes passage part of customary international law? The Territorial Sea and Creeping Jurisdiction.

Archipelagic Sea Lanes Passage

By J. Ashley Roach and Robert W. Smith, Published on 12/31/94.

Straits Used for International Navigation and Archipelagic Sea Lane ...

The regimes for unimpeded passage through straits used for international navigation and archipelagic sea lane passage were important components of the overall ...