
ecological implications of evolution in the Anthropocene

Reshaping the Tree of Life: ecological implications of evolution in ...

The evolutionary consequences of anthropogenic change can be observed across levels of biological organization and are influencing the rate of ...

ecological implications of evolution in the Anthropocene

positive evolutionary and ecosystem effects, such as the development of high- yielding crop varieties, production of human insulin by recombinant bacteria, and ...

The Anthropocene condition: Evolving through social–ecological ...

While human societies have gained unprecedented capabilities to improve the quality and longevity of human lives, Ellis shows that the ...

The Anthropocene condition: evolving through social–ecological ...

More than 3 billion years ago, a bacterial species evolved genetic capabilities to harness solar energy. · Humans, as a species, have long been ...

Ecology of the Anthropocene signals hope for consciously ... - PNAS

They reveal that in our societies, and in those of our prehuman ancestors, changes involving cultural evolution have altered fundamental ...

Importance of Eco-evolutionary Potential in the Anthropocene

Anthropogenic changes to age structure might also increase eco-evolutionary potential. Human activities—for example, harvest—increase mortality ...

Will human influences on evolutionary dynamics in the wild pervade ...

Second, human activities may change the environment in such a way that the environmental cues used by organisms, adaptations tuned by natural ...

Integrating evolutionary theory and social–ecological systems ...

The rapid, human-induced changes in the Earth system during the Anthropocene [1] present our species with critical sustainability challenges, ...

Importance of Eco-evolutionary Potential in the Anthropocene

Abstract. Humans are dominant global drivers of ecological and evolutionary change, rearranging ecosystems and natural selection. In the present article, w.

Ecology, ethology, and evolution in the Anthropocene - PMC - NCBI

Those taking practical action to study and help mitigate the effects of anthropogenic climate change can have different focuses, and the ...

Climate Change and Evolution in the Anthropocene

Impacts of the Earth's 7 billion people are changing the evolutionary processes that underlay and maintain diversity. As a consequence, we are witnessing a ...

Evolution of the polycrisis: Anthropocene traps that challenge global ...

Inspired by what some have called a polycrisis, we explore whether the human trajectory of increasing complexity and influence on the Earth ...

Evolution: Biodiversity in the Anthropocene -

Human influences are reshaping plant communities around the world through both extinctions and species gains. New work relating biodiversity ...

A meal to ameliorate the Anthropocene - Frontiers

The three barriers considered to the Anthropocene meal – infrastructure, ecosystem health, and culture – are not exhaustive considerations of ...

Ecology and Evolution in the Anthropocene -

humans having increased greenhouse gas concentrations in our atmosphere; · humans having caused ocean acidity; · humans having altered river ...

The Importance of Eco-evolutionary Potential in the Anthropocene

We suggest that the net outcome of human influences on trait change, ecology, and the feedback loops that link them will often (but not always) ...

Evolution in the Anthropocene: Informing Governance and Policy

The Anthropocene biosphere constitutes an unprecedented phase in the evolution of life on Earth with one species, humans, exerting extensive control.

Evolving toward a better Anthropocene - Future Earth

The EES has huge implications for understanding the rise of cultural and ecological inheritances in the evolution of human societies and their ...

Spatiotemporal impacts of the Anthropocene on small mammal ...

We found that Shannon diversity, standardized species richness, and evenness decrease across modern sites based on level of human modification, with no ...

Daily activity timing in the Anthropocene -

However, the ecological effects (e.g., altered physiology, species interactions) of novel activity timing are virtually unknown. We reviewed 1328 studies and ...