
exposure to cadmium

Cadmium - Overview | Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Cadmium and its compounds are highly toxic and exposure to this metal is known to cause cancer and targets the body's cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, ...

Cadmium - Better Health Channel

Exposure to cadmium can affect the kidneys, lungs and bones. Cigarette smoke contains high levels of cadmium. Blood and urine tests can measure the amount of ...

Cadmium - Health Effects | Occupational Safety and Health ... - OSHA

Occupational exposure to cadmium can lead to a variety of adverse health effects including cancer. Acute inhalation exposure (high levels over a short period ...

Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds -

Cadmium is also on the Proposition 65 list because it can cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Exposure to cadmium may harm a man's reproductive ...

The Effects of Cadmium Toxicity - PMC - PubMed Central

Exposure to cadmium primarily occurs through the ingestion of contaminated food and water and, to a significant extent, through inhalation and cigarette smoking ...

Cadmium - Cancer-Causing Substances - NCI

Occupational exposure to various cadmium compounds is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. How can exposures be reduced? Dispose of ...

Cadmium | ToxFAQs™ | ATSDR - CDC

The general population is exposed from breathing cigarette smoke or eating cadmium contaminated foods. Cadmium damages the kidneys, lungs, and bones. Cadmium ...

Cadmium - Chemical Safety and Health

Cadmium exerts toxic effects on the kidneys as well as the skeletal and respiratory systems. It is classified as a human carcinogen.

Cadmium toxicity and treatment: An update - PMC - PubMed Central

Long-term exposure to cadmium through air, water, soil, and food leads to cancer and organ system toxicity such as skeletal, urinary, reproductive, ...

Cadmium - Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet

and may ignite spontaneously in air or when exposed to heat. Workplace Exposure Limits. OSHA: The legal airborne permissible exposure limit (PEL) is. 0.005 mg/ ...

Cadmium in Children's Jewelry - New York State Department of Health

The US Department of Health and Human Services has determined that cadmium and cadmium compounds are known human carcinogens (can cause cancer). What can I do ...

information for health care professionals cadmium exposure & toxicity

EXPOSURE TO CADMIUM. Occupational Exposure: Cadmium is a naturally occurring heavy metal found in earth's crust. Most cadmium in the.

Cadmium poisoning - Wikipedia

Cadmium is a naturally occurring toxic metal with common exposure in industrial workplaces, plant soils, and from smoking. Due to its low permissible ...

Cadmium | Public Health Statement | ATSDR - CDC

Breathing air with very high levels of cadmium can severely damage the lungs and may cause death. Breathing air with lower levels of cadmium over long periods ...

Cadmium - European Commission - Language selection | Food Safety

Foodstuffs are the main source of cadmium exposure for the non-smoking general population. The food groups that contribute most of the dietary cadmium exposure ...

exposure to cadmium: a major public health concern - IRIS

also increase cadmium levels in soil.7. Cadmium exposure from drinking-water is relatively unimportant compared with exposure from diet. However, impurities ...

Cadmium - New York State Department of Health

Cadmium is also found in industrial paints and can be a hazard when sprayed or removed by scraping or blasting. Exposure to cadmium may also pose a health risk ...

Cadmium Compounds (A) - Environmental Protection Agency

Animal studies have demonstrated an increase in lung cancer from long-term inhalation exposure to cadmium. EPA has classified cadmium as a Group B1, probable ...

Cadmium - SA Health

How can I be exposed to cadmium? ... Human exposure occurs mainly from the consumption of contaminated food, active and passive inhalation of tobacco smoke, and ...

Cadmium Poisoning - Iowa Department of Health and Human Services

Acute inhalation exposure causes pulmonary edema, which may result in death. The most serious long-term exposure risk is cancer (lung and prostate). The first ...