
firstWhere method

firstWhere method - Iterable class - dart:core library - Flutter API

API docs for the firstWhere method from the Iterable class, for the Dart programming language.

Dart | List | .firstWhere() - Codecademy

The .firstWhere() method in Dart is a built-in List method that returns the first element in a list that satisfies a given condition.

Adding orElse function to firstWhere method - dart - Stack Overflow

I am trying to add the onElse function to the itterator.firstWhere method but I cannot get the syntax right.

What is the List firstWhere() method in Dart? -

Return value. The method firstWhere() iterates through the list and returns the first item to satisfy the given condition. The orElse() method ...

Collections - Laravel 11.x - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans

... firstWhere flatMap flatten flip forget forPage get groupBy has hasAny ... before(). The before method is the opposite of the after method. It returns ...

What is map, firstWhere, where and any method in dart | by Rama

Note: What is an Iterable? An Iterable is a collection of elements that can be accessed sequentially. 2. firstWhere Returns the first ...

firstWhere method - ListQueue class - dart:collection library - Dart API

API docs for the firstWhere method from the ListQueue class, for the Dart programming language.

Collect.js firstWhere() Method - GeeksforGeeks

Collect.js firstWhere() Method ... The firstWhere() method is used to return the first element from a collection with the given key and value pair ...

Mastering Lists in Flutter: A Guide to Using firstWhere, fold, and ...

What is firstWhere ? It's a method that allows you to find the first element in a list that satisfies a given condition. It takes a function as ...

firstWhere method - Stream class - dart:async library - Dart API docs

If no such element is found before this stream is done, and an orElse function is provided, the result of calling orElse becomes the value of the future. If ...

Laravel 8 Collection with first() and firstWhere() Methods Example

In this example, I will show you how to implement the Laravel 8 Collection with first() and f irstWhere() methods. When doing a Laravel project ...

What is the ListQueue.firstWhere() method in Dart? -

What is the ListQueue.firstWhere() method in Dart? ListQueue is a list based on Queue . Read more about ListQueue here. The firstWhere method ...

dart-lang/sdk - Null safety feedback: How to use firstWhere? - GitHub

extension IterableExtension on Iterable { T? firstWhereOrNull(bool Function(T element) test) { for (var element in this) { if ...

firstWhere method - SetMixin class - dart:collection library - MIT

Iterates through elements and returns the first to satisfy test . If no element satisfies test , the result of invoking the orElse function is returned. If ...

Null Safety firstWhere - Corner Software

The return type for the firstWhere method is T not T? so it can't return a null. Instead it will throw if the element is not found. There's ...

Token.firstWhere() - Fauna Docs

Gets the first accessible token document that matches the predicate function. Parameters. Parameter, Type, Required, Description. predicate.

firstWhere throws when provided orElse: null if no items matched ...

Returns the first element that matches the provided test or null if no match is found. T? firstWhereOrNull(bool Function(T element) test) { final list = where( ...

FirstWhere() Method in Dart | Flutter | Hindi - YouTube

In Dart, firstWhere() is a method that can be called on a collection (such as a List or Set) to find the first element that satisfies a ...

Exercise: Implement the firstWhere function | Code With Andrea

Learn Dart Programming in depth. Includes: basic to advanced topics, exercises, and projects. Fully updated to Dart 2.12.

OussamaMater -

Laravel Tip : The "firstWhere" Method We often need to get the first record matching a where statement. While "where()" combined with ...