
minimum set of binary vectors to get full coverage

minimum set of binary vectors to get full coverage - Stack Overflow

I need to find an efficient algorithm that finds an optimal set of binary vectors in such a way that every index has a bit that is set in at least one vector ...

Find the smallest subset of binary vectors that cover the largest ...

Suppose we have a set of binary vectors where each vector →pi represents a book, and each dimension of →pi represents a word i∈D where D ...

Minimal basis for set of binary vectors using XOR

If you treat your vectors as over the field GF(2) rather than over the set {0,1}, then what you ask is to find a basis for the span of a set ...

Minimum operations required to set all elements of binary matrix

Given a binary matrix of N rows and M columns. The operation allowed on the matrix is to choose any index (x, y) and toggle all the elements ...

Binary Vector - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

The minimum distance of C is the smallest positive integer d such that the sum of some d columns of H is 0. The covering radius of a linear code can also be ...

Solved 2. ( \( 10+4 \) bonus pts.) You are given an \( n |

( a ) Devise a polynomial - time algorithm to compute the minimum number of vectors such that each 1 is covered by at least one vector and ...

Minkowski's theorem 1 Minimum Distance - UCSD CSE

... have a small covering radius) without decreasing its minimum distance. Exercise 15 Let Λ ⊆ Rn be a full rank lattice and v ∈ Λ be a lattice vector. Prove ...

Note Witness Sets for Families of Binary Vectors - CS.HUJI

Since the worst-case witness set may have to be large, we turn to study the average witness size. Let ~ be a family of n distinct binary vectors of length m.

Asymmetric binary covering codes - arXiv

Various bounds on K+ are given in terms of the total number of 0's or 1's in a minimal code. ... Suppose we wish to have a small set of binary n-vectors with the ...

Puzzle on deleting k bits from binary vectors of length 3k

You are allowed to delete exactly n/3 bits from each of the binary vectors, leaving vectors of length 2n/3 remaining. The number of distinct ...

Minimum time required to cover a Binary Array - GeeksforGeeks

To cover 5 zeros we need 5/2 + 1 that is 3 units of time because all the other segments will get filled in less than or equal to 3 units of time.

The covering radius \(r\) for a binary code of length \(n\) is ... - Vaia

The length of a binary vector is the number of bits it contains. Binary vectors are the basic building blocks of information in the digital world and are ...

Binary Quantization - Vector Search, 40x Faster - Qdrant

With the smaller number of elements, there is not enough information maintained in the binary vector to achieve good results. You will still get ...

A Survey of Binary Covering Arrays - TSAPPS at NIST

Clearly, at least one of the sets must have cardinality at most 2k/(s + 1 ... Walker and Colbourn [74] use permutation vectors together with tabu search to find ...

Enhancing Efficiency in Vector Searches with Binary Quantization ...

First, we will determine a threshold(x) for each dimension of the vector. Values in the vector that are above this threshold will be set to 1, ...

Find the total number of non-zero elements in the product of a binary ...

Problem Formulation: Given a variable binary vector b (length m) and a binary matrix C (size m x n). Suppose that |b| <= c, ...

Binary vectors partially determined by linear equation systems

We investigate two particular choices for D: the set of binary vectors of length J (integral invariance) and the set of vectors in RJ whose components lie ...

Solved 5. Recall the Set Covering problem discussed in |

5. Recall the Set Covering problem discussed in class: Consider a binary m×n matrix A and a vector of costs c∈Rn. We say that column ...

View of A Survey of Binary Covering Arrays

= 2, the total number of possible parameter settings is. n. = 2. k . If instead we choose, for each possible set of. t. parameters and each of the 2. t.

Small linear dependencies for binary vectors of low weight

that every minimal set of linearly dependent binary vectors (addition performed modulo. 2) corresponds to an even cover. As the number of ...