
monads of probability

monads of probability, measures, and valuations in nLab

The functor: random outcomes · The distribution monad assigns to each set the space of finite distributions on it. · The Giry monad assigns to ...

Probability Monads - Harvard math department

Formally, however, probability monads entered the picture in Giry's seminal 1982 paper, by way of what later become known as the Giry monad [3]. Though we do ...

What is a probability monad? - Tobias Fritz

Tµ. µT. µ. µ. 2 of 27. Page 3. Monads as extensions. Idea: A monad is like a consistent way of extending spaces to include generalized elements and generalized ...

Probability Monads as Codensity Monads | The n-Category Café

The codensity monad of a functor G : B → A G: \mathbf{B} \to \mathbf{A} is a certain canonical monad on A \mathbf{A} . If G G has a left adjoint ...

Stochastic Lambda Calculus and Monads of Probability Distributions

Probability dis- tributions form a monad, and the monadic definition leads to a simple, natural semantics for a stochastic lambda cal- culus, as well as simple, ...

Probability Monad

☞ Just do It: Simple Monadic Equational Reasoning. Gibbons & Hinze. ICFP 2011. ☞ Practical Probabilistic Programming with Monads. Scibior et al.

The Probability Monad and Why it's Important for Data Science

Probability is a monad. This allows us to take probabilistic models with deterministic inputs, and flatmap them together to build full-on ...

Probability Monads from scratch in 100 lines of Haskell - Denny's Blog

Expressing probability distributions as monads allows you to implement something like a mini probabilistic programming language in less than 100 lines of code.

probability monads as codensity monads -

Monads on categories of measurable and topological spaces that are similar to the Giry monad are referred to as probability monads [8]. The ...

Hopf monads in categorical probability theory - MathOverflow

A probability monad is affine, meaning that TI≅I canonically, because there is exactly one probability measure on a one-point space. When you ...

[1804.03527] Bimonoidal Structure of Probability Monads - arXiv

We give a conceptual treatment of the notion of joints, marginals, and independence in the setting of categorical probability.

distribution monad in nLab

The distribution monad is a monad on Set, whose algebras are convex spaces. It can be thought of as the finitary prototype of a probability monad.

Tutorial: What is a probability monad? (Paolo Perrone) - YouTube

Tutorial talk for the Categorical Probability and Statistics workshop 2020: ...

Bimonoidal Structure of Probability Monads -

Abstract. We give a conceptual treatment of the notion of joints, marginals, and independence in the setting of categorical probability. This is achieved by ...

From Probability Monads to Commutative Effectuses ?

This is applied to six known examples of 'probability' monads, namely: the discrete probability distributions monad D on sets, the Giry monad G ...

Stochastic Lambda Calculus and Monads of Probability Distributions

Probability distributions form a monad, and the monadic definition leads to a simple, natural semantics for a stochastic lambda calculus, as well as simple, ...

"Build Your Own Probability Monads" paper, blog posts and source ...

A paper: Build your own probability monads. The source code is now available on GitHub. Be warned: This probably won't run on modern Haskell without some ...

Probability Monads from scratch in 100 lines of Haskell - Reddit

A more full-fledged probabilistic programming library in Haskell. It's not as advanced as the state of the art, but you can do MCMC, SMC and I put together ...

Practical Probabilistic Programming with Monads

2008), a functional subset of Scheme equipped with primitives for constructing standard probability distributions and a conditioning predicate.

Probabilities, distribution monads, and convex categories

Such effect monoids can be used to define a probability distribution monad, again generalizing the situation for [ 0 , 1 ] -probabilities. It will be shown that ...