
quantum complexity theory in nLab

quantum complexity theory in nLab

An introduction to quantum complexity theory, p. 103-127 of: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Theory, World Scientific (2001)

complexity theory in nLab

Computational complexity theory is the study of how much and how many resources are required to perform computations.

nForum - quantum complexity theory - nLab

nLab > Latest Changes: quantum complexity theory. Bottom of Page. 1 to 2 of 2 ... Ethan Bernstein, Umesh Vazirani, Quantum Complexity Theory, Siam Journal of ...

Scott Aaronson in nLab

Introduction to Quantum Information Science II (2022) [pdf]. On quantum complexity theory: Scott Aaronson, Quantum computing, postselection ...

quantum supremacy in nLab

Contents. 1. Idea; 2. Related concepts; 3. References. General; Experimental realizations; Potential applications; Quantum complexity theory ...

Grover's algorithm in nLab

quantum complexity theory · quantum supremacy. 3. References. Due to: Lov K. Grover, A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search ...

quantum logic in nLab

In this proposal, given a quantum mechanical system with a Hilbert space of states, the logical propositions about the system are taken to ...

Mathematically challenging areas in quantum information theory ...

The other area is computational complexity theory, where I would ... I would refer you to the nLab website for more insight on category theory and ...

quantum computation in nLab

The classical control system is responsible for all classical aspects of quantum computing and includes executing the quantum control and ...

Quantum complexity theory - Wikipedia

Quantum complexity theory is the subfield of computational complexity theory that deals with complexity classes defined using quantum computers, ...

The homunculus brain and categorical logic

... nLab, 2017). Roughly speaking, since formulae ... Inter-Theory Relations in Physics: Case Studies from. Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.

Interpreting the CS/WZW correspondence - MathOverflow

... quantum field theory (TQFT) and the 2d Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal quantum field theory (CQFT). A good summary is given on this nLab page:.

PostBQP in nLab

In quantum complexity theory, “PostBQP” stands (in variation of BQP) ... quantum polynomial time, denoting a fundamental complexity class of ...

What non-categorical applications are there of homotopical algebra?

... nLab.) ... The motivation comes from the classical example that in the representation theory of semisimple complex Lie algebras, one often studies ...

Computation and holography

is quantum complexity theory, which is the study of what kinds of tasks can be performed efficiently on a quantum computer. General ...

William Lawvere, Category Theory, Hegel, Mao, and Code - Reddit

... theory lately. On the nLab I found William Lawvere's category ... No idea how that fits into your stuff with category theory, I do quantum ...

Perfectoid Diamonds and n-Awareness. A Meta-Model of Subjective ...

Complex. Available online: · complex (accessed January 29, 2021). [22] Artin, M, Grothendieck, A, and Verdier ...

the c∗-algebraic formalism of quantum mechanics

theory of quantum mechanics. There is a natural way of viewing ... Complex Analysis. 4th. New York: Springer Science and Business Media ...

quantum mechanics in nLab

One is to understand quantization, in all cases – of particles, fields, strings and so on. The second and possibly more central to nLab is a ...

arXiv:2103.01877v2 [hep-th] 5 Dec 2023

complex K-theory theory is close to being the stabilization of ... Zamora, Duality in Quantum Field Theory (and String Theory), AIP Confer-.