- Quantum speed limit🔍
- Experimental investigation of geometric quantum speed limits in an ...🔍
- Quantum Speed Limit for States and Observables of Perturbed Open ...🔍
- [2208.05469] Stronger Quantum Speed Limit🔍
- Quantum Speed Limits for Implementation of Unitary Transformations🔍
- Quantum speed limit for complex dynamics🔍
- Probing quantum phase transitions via quantum speed limits🔍
- Quantum speed limits🔍
quantum speed limit
Quantum speed limit - Wikipedia
Quantum speed limit ... In quantum mechanics, a quantum speed limit (QSL) is a limitation on the minimum time for a quantum system to evolve between two ...
Experimental investigation of geometric quantum speed limits in an ...
The quantum speed limit (QSL) is a fundamental lower bound on the evolution time for quantum systems, and its tightness has been observed to ...
Quantum Speed Limit for States and Observables of Perturbed Open ...
Quantum speed limits provide upper bounds on the rate with which a quantum system can move away from its initial state.
[2208.05469] Stronger Quantum Speed Limit - arXiv
We prove a stronger quantum speed limit (SQSL) for all quantum systems undergoing arbitrary unitary evolution and show that the MT bound is a special case.
Quantum Speed Limits for Implementation of Unitary Transformations
We provide bounds on the speed limit of quantum evolution by unitary operators in arbitrary dimensions.
Quantum speed limit for complex dynamics - Nature
Quantum speed limit focuses on the minimum time scale for a fixed mission and hence is important in quantum information where fast dynamics ...
Probing quantum phase transitions via quantum speed limits
The quantum speed limit (QSL) is the lower bound on the time required for a state to evolve to a desired final state under a given ...
Quantum speed limits - Quantum Thermodynamics - UMBC
The so-called quantum speed limits (QSL), which are fundamental bounds on the maximal rate with which a quantum system can evolve.
Focus on Quantum Speed Limit and its Applications - IOPscience
It can be understood as setting fundamental limits on how fast any quantum system can evolve. The advent of quantum devices has further bolstered the ...
Quantum speed limits of quantum system in colored environments
Accordingly, quantum speed limit time (QSLT) is the lower bound of the evolution time between two distinguishable states of a quantum system, which is thought ...
Observing crossover between quantum speed limits - Science
We take a geometric approach to quantify the deviation from the speed limit, measuring how much the quantum evolution deviates from the geodesic path in the ...
Quantum speed limits on operator flows and correlation functions
We introduce a generalization of QSL for unitary operator flows, which are ubiquitous in physics and relevant for applications in both the quantum and ...
Generalised quantum speed limit for arbitrary time-continuous ...
The quantum speed limit describes how quickly a quantum system can evolve in time from an initial state to a final state under a given dynamics.
Investigating quantum speed limits with superconducting qubits
Prof. Meenakshi Singh Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines.
What is the idea behind quantum speed limits?
1 Answer 1 ... Quantum speed limits are not something particularly mysterious, albeit the topical literature can admittedly be confusing in this ...
Quantum Speed Limit's Role In Advancing Efficiency Of Quantum ...
The Quantum Speed Limit (QSL) is a key concept in quantum computing, indicating the minimum time required to complete a task.
Quantum speed limit time in the presence of disturbance
The quantum speed limit time is used to quantify the maximal speed of the quantum evolution. The quantum evolution will be faster if the quantum speed limit ...
Quantum Speed Limit is Not Quantum - NASA/ADS
The quantum speed limit (QSL), or the energy-time uncertainty relation, describes the fundamental maximum rate for quantum time evolution and has been ...
Novel Quantum Speed Limits Tackle Messy Reality of Disorder
For instance, researchers have found several quantum speed limits—called Lieb-Robinson bounds—that are impassable caps on how quickly information can travel ...
Classical and quantum speed limits
The new bound on quantum speed limit (in terms of relative purity) is derived by applying the original Mandelstam-Tamm one to the evolution in ...