


React is the library for web and native user interfaces. Build user interfaces out of individual pieces called components written in JavaScript.


Basic example. The useDropzone hook just binds the necessary handlers to create a drag 'n' drop zone. Use the getRootProps() fn to get the props required for ...

react-dropzone - NPM

Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js. Latest version: 14.3.5, last published: 14 days ago. Start using react-dropzone in your project ...

Dropzone 4: Aptonic

Aptonic create awesome apps for the Mac. We make Dropzone, an app which makes it faster and easier to move and copy files, launch applications, ...


Dropzone.js is an open source library that provides beautiful and easy to use drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews.

Dropzone AI: Reinforce your SOC with AI Analysts

Dropzone AI provides pre-trained autonomous agents specialized in security operations. Dropzone connects to all your existing cybersecurity tooling and data ...

Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports ... - GitHub

Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars. - dropzone/dropzone.

Getting Started - React

Getting Started. These docs are old and won't be updated. Go to for the new React docs. The new Quick Start teaches modern React and includes live ... - Skydiving Community

Join thousands of other skydivers and partake in our active online skydiving community. Whether you're looking to do your first jump or you're an active ...

React Dropzone - GitHub

Simple HTML5 drag 'n' drop with React. React Dropzone has 5 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

React Native · Learn once, write anywhere

React Native brings the best parts of developing with React to native development. It's a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Examples - react-dropzone

Basic example. The useDropzone hook just binds the necessary handlers to create a drag 'n' drop zone. Use the getRootProps() fn to get the props required for ...

Home – ReAct

ReAct - Action on Antibiotic Resistance. ReAct is an independent network dedicated to the problem of antibiotic resistance. ReAct is a global catalyst, ...

React Developer Tools - Chrome Web Store

React Developer Tools is a Chrome DevTools extension for the open-source React JavaScript library. It allows you to inspect the React component hierarchies in ...

React (software) - Wikipedia

A key advantage of React is that it only rerenders those parts of the page that have changed, avoiding unnecessary re-rendering of unchanged DOM elements. It ...

React - The Anti-Counterfeiting Network: Home

World's most trusted partner in anti-counterfeiting. React is a not-for-profit organization with over 30 years experience and has in excess of 350 business ...

Create a Drag-and-Drop zone in React with react-dropzone - Medium

Create a Drag-and-Drop zone in React with react-dropzone · Drag-and-drop a file on the drag-and-drop zone, · Click event which initiates file ...

React DnD

React DnD uses the HTML5 drag and drop under the hood, but it also lets you supply a custom “backend”. You can create a custom DnD backend based on the touch ...

Why does react-dropzone use useCallback for its onDrop function?

The useCallback is used for the onDrop function - but why? To my understanding, useCallback is only used to avoid instantiating a new function on every render.

Drag and dropping files in React using react-dropzone - YouTube

This video will use the react-dropzone library to allow users to drag and drop files, see previews, and upload files to Cloudinary.