
sharing session data across multiple applications

Sharing Session object between different web applications

Create a unique token for the session and put in in a db table that both apps access. Store the token in the users's cookie. This avoids the session sharing ...

Multiple Applications leveraging the same Authentication Session

By default, the same session will be shared across all the applications on the same tenants on the same browser. I verified this feature, and it ...

Seamless User Session Sharing Between Web Apps Using ...

Yes, There are many ways to achieve this by using cookies, backend sessions, SSO etc. In this article I will explain how we can share single ...

sharing session data across multiple applications - ExpressionEngine

Yes you can share sessions over multiple applications, as long as they have the same domain. Just check your config file. In the comments it ...

Session sharing - Sharing login state between web apps

Session sharing was my first task working on It was also the first task assigned to me on a real team at Arbisoft ...

How to share session between two applications - CodeProject

I don't think it's a good idea to share session between two web applications. Every web application runs within it's own process and has ...

Secure Session Transfer Between Web Apps on Different Domains

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ... A more direct solution to the problem of transferring sessions across different domains could be built ...

sharing session data across multiple applications

Yes you can share sessions over multiple applications, as long as they have the same domain. Just check your config file. In the comments it tells you how.

Sharing session between 2 web apps on different subdomains

Hi! We currently have a web app using Lock to authenticate users hosted on, and we are creating a single page app (React) ...

Assembling so that session data can be shared - IBM

Complete the following to share session data using the IBMApplicationSession object within the application code. ... HttpSession session = request.getSession();.

Sharing Sessions in ASP.NET - Stop Making Sense -

In an internal work mailing list, I had a question on sharing session across multiple applications, which I assume to be web applications.

Sharing Session Across Applications - CodeProject

This is intended to be a simple solution to sharing session data across applications. This implementation allows you to use the out of the ...

How to share session variables between Web Applications. - Tek-Tips

You can't. A session variable is just that. It is a variable that is available as long as that "session" (browser instance) is active.

What are the options for sharing sessions between applications?

What I need to do is to share state, or at least authentication. For example if the user logs in on one of the websites and goes to another one, ...

Session Management for Clustered Applications - Oracle Help Center

Many projects require sharing session data between different Web applications. The challenge that arises is that each Web application typically has its own ...

Sharing data across sessions on - Posit

It uses this feature to maintain a smooth user experience. For example, will scale up your application by adding more running ...

a way to share a session between several applications? - Laracasts

You could setup database sessions and setup a connection to that specific database in all your apps. You could also go ...

Sharing session state over multiple ASP.NET applications with ASP ...

There are many posts about sharing session state using Sql Server, but there are little information with out-of-process session state.

Sharing Session and Application Data - JavaServer Pages ... - O'Reilly

The request scope makes data available to multiple pages processing the same request. But in many cases, data must be shared over multiple requests.

Sharing Sessions b/w 2 different apps? - PHP - SitePoint

Is there anyway we can share a login session between two apps one of which is developed in php and the other one in Ruby or Perl or Python?