
The Benefits of Gardening

Health Benefits of Gardening - Brightview Senior Living

Gardening can help to lessens stress and encourage relaxation, boost serotonin levels, and lower the risk of dementia. At Brightview, our ...

Health Benefits of Gardening - Orthopaedic Specialty Group

Gardening is good for your heart. The hard work of gardening burns calories, which helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Top 7 health benefits of gardening - Bokashi Living

Top 7 health benefits of gardening · 1. Healthier diet · 2. Strengthens bones, muscles and joints · 3. Reduces stress and anxiety · 4. Decreases risk of ...

7 Reasons Why Gardening is Good for You - Bulb Blog

Health benefits of gardening include growing your own food, benefits of vitamin D, exercise benefits of gardening, and the benefits of soil microbes.

6 Health Benefits of Gardening - Alleviant Integrated Mental Health

Gardening can reduce stress by lowering stress hormone levels (mainly cortisol) in the body. 3 Being physically active has numerous documented health benefits.

10 Benefits of Gardening for Your Mental and Physical Health

Gardening is a great way to stay active and relieve stress. Here's what you need to know about the benefits of this healthy hobby.

The Surprising Health Benefits Of Gardening - A Physician Explains

Dr. Omer Awan, Physician and Public Health Contributor for, explains in simple language why gardening can be a game changer for ...

How gardening may extend your life and make it better

Gardening is better at reducing stress and improving your mood than reading. In a 2011 study published in the Journal of Health Psychology, ...

Gardening and the Amazing Therapeutic Benefits for Seniors

Gardening offers a multitude of mental, physical, and social benefits for seniors. It is a therapeutic activity that promotes relaxation, cognitive stimulation ...

8 Blooming Health Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

Among the myriad health benefits of gardening for seniors, one of the most valuable is its potent ability to relieve stress. In a world ...

The Benefits of Home Gardening | Bayer Global

Connecting with nature and each other through home gardening. Baking bread, fostering shelter animals, organizing closets, learning a new language.

The Benefits of Gardening for Older Adults: A Systematic Review of ...

Gardening can be an activity that promotes overall health and quality of life, physical strength, fitness and flexibility, cognitive ability, and socialization.

Public Health Benefits of Community Gardens - Tulane University

Community members can consume vegetables and, in some cases, fruits grown in a community garden, increasing fresh produce intake.

The fantastic health benefits of gardening | Butterfly Conservation

Gardening plays a vital role in improving our mental health and general wellbeing. Just a short amount of time spent in nature watching your surroundings can ...

6 Health Benefits of Gardening - alive magazine

Gardening allows us to choose organic fertilizers and natural pesticides. It also gives us the opportunity to harvest foods at their peak, ...

How Gardening Affects Mental Health - WebMD

Through the centuries, gardens have served not only as places to grow plants but as spaces for people to relax, to focus, and to connect with ...

10 surprising benefits of gardening - Black Swan Financial Planning

Summer is the perfect opportunity to spend more time in your garden. As well as creating a beautiful outdoor space to relax or entertain in, ...

The Benefits of Community Gardens - Primex Garden Center | Blog

Community gardens provide a source of locally-grown, organic produce, promoting healthier eating habits and exposing people to new plants or ...

7 Benefits Gardening and Yardwork Have on Your Mental Health

Gardening is the perfect way to balance frustration with today's “new normal.” Schedule an hour a day for gardening and pruning.

Why gardening can grow your mental well-being and cultivate friends

After one season of gardening, they also reported lower levels of stress and anxiety. Though the size of behavioral change was modest, it was a ...