Events2Join - JavaScript - MDN Web Docs

The search() method of String values executes a search for a match between a regular expression and this string, returning the index of the ...

JavaScript String search() Method - W3Schools

Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, ... a method I wish I knew about a long time ... is basically .indexOf() but with regexes. It's been supported in every browser since IE 4, but ES6 made it more powerful with Symbol. ...

How can I find an exact substring using

search converts any string you give it to a regular expression. [] is special in regular expressions, it defines a character class.

String.prototype.indexOf() - JavaScript - MDN Web Docs

The indexOf() method of String values searches this string and returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring.

How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript?

ECMAScript 6 introduced String.prototype.includes : const string = "foo"; const substring = "oo"; console.log(string.includes(substring)); ...

fromIndex for - ES Discuss appears to be the better choice. But lacking the firstIndex parameter, it requires to use String.prototype.substr after each iteration. This ...

JavaScript String search() Method · let index =; In this syntax, the regexp is a regular expression object. · RegExp(regexp) · let re = /[A-Z]/; let ...

search() JavaScript String Method – How to Search a String because it is a method of the String object's prototype property. Syntax of the search() Method. search() accepts a regular expression ...

Using the Method | Reintech media

The method is a built-in JavaScript method that developers often use when they need to search for a specific substring ...

Regular Expressions on Strings in JavaScript (

By using the powerful method in JavaScript, you are able to search a String not only for a basic string-to-string ...

String.prototype.matchAll called with a non-global RegExp argument

This happens when you run a .matchAll(/regex/) without your regex having the g flag. I couldn't find a way to make it crash the compiler so that my code doesn' ... - IGM

The search() method of String values executes a search for a match between a regular expression and this string, returning the index of the ...

Using Array.prototype.find() to Search an - JavaScript - SheCodes

... prototype.find() callback. More coding questions about JavaScript. ‍ ... string). In summary, use == when you want to check for equality regardless of ...

String.prototype.localeCompare() broken? - Help & Support

I tried switching the usage option between search and sort, and the sensitivity between accent and base. Running var a = "a"; var b = "aAäÄ"; ...

JavaScript String search() Method - GeeksforGeeks

The search() method in JavaScript is used to search for a specified substring within a string. It returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring ...

Search and Replace : what happened to String.prototype.replaceAt ...

I used String.prototype.replaceAt to solve the Intermediate Algorithm challenge Search and Replace b/c it was the solution for Beginner ...

JavaScript String Search - W3Schools

The search() method searches a string for a string (or a regular expression) and returns the position of the match.

22 Text Processing - ECMAScript® 2025 Language Specification RegExp.prototype [ ] ( string ). This method ... String) and match (a Match Record ) and returns a String. It performs the ...

Javascript intellisense does not show all String.prototype methods

Both String.prototype.replaceAll and Promise.any were introduced in ES2021, so that's probably why you don't see them in your suggestions.