

How is User.config created and how it is used - Stack Overflow

When you open a Desktop application with User-Scoped settings, the .NET Framework will automatically attempt to load the User.config file for you.

User.config - Microsoft Community

Where does Windows 7 put user.config for third party applications? In XP is used to be Documents and Settings/User/Local/App Data/ ...

Newest 'user.config' Questions - Stack Overflow

I have a C# application that store users settings in the standard user.config file. This is obviously located in a directory named as the version number of the ...

Where are the user config files on Windows? (solved) - darktable

Look here: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\darktable Be aware that AppData is a hidden folder so you have to enable its visualization is file explorer.

Which of my "user.config" files is the latest?

Is there any parameter or switch I can add to DIR /S in order to add the last modification date (as ls -l in UNIX)?.

FAQ: What Are the user.config Files for in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro?

In ArcMap, the user.config file is used for storing the registry keys and settings related to the search window for the user account ...

What would the typical Linux user prefer? To use /home for config, or ...

I think the average user wouldn't care but one advantage that like about config in /home is that favourite app settings are preserved when copying /home to a ...

Setting your username in Git - GitHub Docs

git config --global "Mona Lisa". Confirm that you have set the Git username correctly: $ git config --global > Mona Lisa. Setting your Git ...

User Configuration - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

User Configuration in the context of Computer Science refers to the settings that can be configured for a specific user on a system.

Handling Corrupt user.config Settings - CodeProject

The solution is to either repair or simply delete the user.config file, but we have to find it before we can do that.

user config - ignore invalid group member '[email protected]' (bug?)

One of our users has been remove from the OU allowing him to login to Proxmox so the sync removed his username. However the user is still in the usergroup he ...

What's the "Core" way to save user settings? : r/csharp - Reddit

config file for that user. Then when you launched the application again it mixed the global settings with the user's settings.

Where does my user config file live? - Help - NixOS Discourse

The cheatsheet indicates that it should be found at ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix but there's no .nixpkgs directory in my home directory either.

How to create a user, teams, groups using config file

Hi team, I am able to create grafana users & teams using console. but I want to create same using config file of grafana as my grafana is ...

User Configuration - Oracle Help Center

User Configuration. The Access Management section enables the Administrator to add, copy or delete users, groups or sites in the system.

userConfig - TechDocs - Broadcom Inc.

Description · Use this command to manage user accounts on a switch. · When executed without operands, this command displays the usage. · You can ...

How To: Write User Settings at Run Time with C# - Windows Forms ...

config file in between application sessions. Settings that are user-scoped, however, can be written at run time just as you would change any ...

user-config - PyPI

Manage user configuration for python projects. For easy and well-documented user-defined configuration.

What is User configuration file and how to use it

During technology initialization (e.g. during Speech Engine startup), the initialization routine checks for existence of such user config file. If found ...

userconfig - Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki

The \userconfig folder should be located in the root Arma 3 game directory, typically in your main Steam folder, \Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\